Monomad: Street photography #7 [Eng/Esp]

in Black And White10 months ago

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

The streets tell stories, stories that in many occasions we do not pay them the proper attention and I think this is something that has made me think about photographing the daily life of people, it is certainly a very attractive art that can tell more than what is appreciated.

Las calles cuentan historias, historias que en muchas ocasiones no les prestamos la atención adecuada y creo que esto es algo en lo que me ha hecho pensar el fotografiar el día a día de las personas, sin duda es un arte bastante atractivo que puede contar más allá de lo que se aprecia.

I have always liked to think that there is a beauty in everything that surrounds us and those factors that made each person, thing or coincidence to be at the precise moment where things should happen, so that's what we are, an accumulation of stories that define us.

Siempre me ha gustado pensar que existe una belleza en todo lo que nos rodea y aquellos factores que hicieron que cada persona, cosa o casualidad estuviesen en el preciso momento donde deberían ocurrir las cosas, por lo que eso somos, un acumulo de historias que nos definen.

I have in mind to make a series of street photographs where I can tell stories not created by me, but told by their own protagonists, is a project perhaps somewhat complicated, but I love the idea of giving life, we'll see what the future will be.

Tengo en mente realizar alguna serie de fotografías callejeras donde pueda contar historias no creadas por mí, sino contadas por sus propios protagonistas, es un proyecto quizás algo complicado, pero me encanta la idea de darle vida, ya veremos que futuro tendrá eso.

Thank you very much for reading me, I hope you found the pictures interesting as well as the rest of the pictures I have shared throughout the series. Happy Saturday!

Muchas gracias por leerme, espero que las fotografías les hayan resultado interesante al igual que el resto de fotografías que he compartido a lo largo de la serie. ¡Feliz sábado!

Todos los derechos reservados / All rights reserved by @Naitreart.

Cámara utilizada: Sony Alpha 3000
Objetivo Sony: 18-55mm

Camera used: Sony Alpha 3000
Sony Lens: 18-55mm


your picture is very beautiful so after I saw your picture, I was reminded of the past. i want to post in this community.

I'm glad my photos motivated you to come back, I hope to see your pictures soon, best regards!


Yay! 🤗
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