#BlackAndWhite - Entrada para el #monomad challenge - El Jardín [Esp/Eng]

in Black And White24 days ago


// Bienvenidos a un nuevo post para el #monomad challenge de @monochromes y la comunidad de #BlackAnWhite //

>_ Hola amigos y gracias una vez más por visitar un post más de fotografía callejera.

El día de hoy visitamos el jardín principal de Salamanca para ver que hace la gente en el día a día.

Espero que les guste esta pequeña selección.

// Welcome to a new post for the #monomad challenge by @monochromes and the #BlackAnWhite community //

>_ Hello friends and thank you once again for visiting another street photography post.

Today we visited the main garden of Salamanca to see what people do on a daily basis.

I hope you like this small selection.



>_ Eso es todo por el momento mis amigos. Si alguna foto les gustó en especial déjenme su comentario abajo y cuéntenme cuál y por que.

Un saludo a todos y que tengan un excelente día.

>_ That's all for now my friends. If you particularly liked any photo, leave me a comment below and tell me which one and why.

Greetings to everyone and have a great day.


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I'm curious, do you catch people on their phones all the time when you're out shooting?

Well, it's easier for me make the photo, because they're not worried about me...
but it's sad see so many people trapped in their phones so much time.
Maybe it's time to start enjoying the real world again and not be so worried about these on-line world...

 23 days ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!