Monomad challenge - BW - mute swans

in Black And White10 months ago

I'm participating in the #monomad challenge with this post.

Title: BW - mute swans

Last summer, as I approached the shore of the lake, I noticed a pair of mute swans. Soon after getting close enough, I saw that they were not alone but had taken their young to swim in the lake. This lake was created by excavating clay for the needs of the construction industry, i.e., for the production of roof tiles and other construction materials made of clay. It was once used as a public bathing area during the summer months, but today only animals like these birds bathe in it. That the lake is still visited by people can be seen by the garbage.

Swans are not the only ones active on the coast. In addition to them, other birds, such as sandpipers and white wagtails, search the coast and the shallows.

While the sandpiper wandered in vain along the shore in search of food, the white wagtail had already filled its beak and flew away right in front of the swans.

The young swans, still gray in color, made their way to the middle of the lake while their parents watched from the shore.

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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Very beautiful, you also catch birds flying there, very cool

Thanks. I'm glad you like it.