Monomad challenge - random bird photos

This post is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

Title: Random bird photos

In these areas, the sparrow is the most common and plentiful bird. Tree sparrows are common on the outskirts of cities, where they can be found in the shrubs by the road. The house sparrow, as the name implies, lives right adjacent to humans.

Pigeons come in the second position behind sparrows. Aside from wild pigeons, there are also many breeding pigeons held as pets.

Other birds in the human environment include gulls, crows, rooks, and jackdaws. These are all omnivorous creatures that have adapted to foraging alongside humans.

During the spring and summer, shrikes can be spotted on large, sprawling roadside lawns. They frequently hunt their prey from a fence or along a wire.

Mallards, moorhens, and mute swans are the most prevalent birds on water surfaces. On the water's edge, you'll see a variety of herons, the most frequent of which is the great gray heron.

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@tipu curate