Sigmund's got a grip! (my sixth #monomad challenge entry)

in Black And White3 years ago (edited)

Hi, I'd like to present you, dear Hivians, the another curiosity from the beautiful city of Prague (Czech Republic). "The Man Hanging Out"

While it is simply a "monument" of Sigmunt Freud, the regular statue, made of bronze, it isn't ordinary by no means. Created by David Černý, the author of many famous, subversive artworks,it depicts Freud hanging high above the street, grabbing the end of a long bar.
This modest piece of work creates so many meanings, and we are welocomed to interprete! One cannot tell if this is a satire or an apology. Dr Freud is definitely rendered here in a kind of a difficult situation, but from the other hand, he seems comfortable hanging above the abbys, with his one hand in the pocket! :D


Now, he's so high (;P) looking at us down there, in the narrow canyon of the street. Is this a metaphore of his so-much-wider perspective on human behaviour and it's mechanisms, or simply of his egomania? Maybe both.
Excellent example of the modern paradigm of treating art as an intervetion, not merely the "beautification" of the environment, or "commemorating".
Thus, worth seeing with your own eyes. Well, it's the popular visitor's spot, so the surprise effect is gone, but the experience is still touching, imo. It's Husova Street.
Shot in 2015. Only the 50mm lens, so no close-ups. This is my entry for the #monomad challenge
Keep ID up!


Wow i definitely need to go on Prague!!
This is an incredible piece of art... I can't say what it means...but I'm sure Frued is at ease!! No problem for him... Instead is the person on the street who looks from below that is afraid.
Thanks for sharing this!!

!discovery 42

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