How much is too much?

I had dinner today with a friend I hadn't seen for some time now. He's almost in his sixties, and at some point our conversation digressed about how one approaches work and the consequences of working too much, and living too little.


Yes, there are periods where we have to vestir a camisola, as we say in portuguese (meaning that we have to do some sacrifice and do what needs to be done), but knowing when how much is too much is a skill we have to develop, and for our own good.


I believe we should strive to be the best we can be, in work, and in life in general. Constant learning and improving our skills should be a focus; but as far as work concerns, I never was a workaholic, and don't think I'll ever be. I do love what I do, but wouldn't imagine working all the time and missing out on eveything else: the days spent with good friends and family, the travelling to exotic locations...


... or spending time in nature searching for wildlife.


These (apparently) little things are what makes life worth living!

So, do strive for excellence in what to do... but put yourself first. And if you feel overwhelmed, don't push to the point you burn out. Take a break, go outside, contemplate the waterfall, and take care of yourself; everything else can wait!


All these photos were taken while travelling; the waterfall is portuguese, everything else is not. They all seem suitable for a monomad challenge, and to illustrate today's reflection.


Oops, sorry... this last one is portuguese too! :)


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All work and no play make for a dull person!
Having a job that you like makes it feel like one is not working.

Wise words! But even if you love what you do, rest and vacations are needed. Priorities! ;)

I hear you there!

These photos are so great! The little lizard and the waterfall are absolute favourites for me.

I think it's all about the situation... if you're working late on a random Tuesday and it really helps you learn a new skill or progress your career, then why not? But if you're missing important events because of work, then that's super not cool. Companies will always try to encourage hard work because they get more value for less money, so being a hard worker won't actually cause a company to be more loyal to you.

Companies will always try to encourage hard work because they get more value for less money, so being a hard worker won't actually cause a company to be more loyal to you.

This. The problem is when the exception becomes the norm, and work is put before what should come first, as it was the case with my friend. Living and learning! ;)

PS. How's this season going for you? I'm getting teared apart in wild league!

Yeah, it's tricky though... the corporate world is very good at extracting maximum value out of people, so I'm sure your friend felt a lot of pressure to work as hard and as many hours as possible.

Both this season and last season are absolutely brutal. I'm always aiming for Champs III but I think in Wild I might not make it out of Gold. In Modern I might make it out of Gold, but only just and only if things go right.

You'll reach it for sure! Glad to see it's not only me. I've only reached Diamond III today! Only play in wild, I have a patched deck it cards from all collections, don't think I would pass low gold in modern. Good luck!!

Amen brother 🙏 btw great pics too

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