On a island far, far away

in Black And White7 months ago

Passing through a tough period at work, and unable to travel (or have a weekend break at all) for the short future, I got myself thinking what's the furthest away I've been from home?... and I got here.


Back to an island far far away... or better said, a whole bunch of islands.


Indonesia is a magical country, filled with amazing landscapes, and even more amazing creatures; you're unlikely miss one of the crab-eating macaques that exist throughout the country, and in some places you might even find yourself with a juvenile monkey on top of you before you can even blink.


And you definitely can't miss the temples as well, even if you're like me and you're far more attracted to nature than culture; the sculptures, the statues, the little details and the stories behind them are hard to ignore!


It's also a chance to see ancient practices that are kept up to these days, and still remain a way to make a living to the local population, such as the seaweed farms. It was the first time I saw one, in a long beach, facing a volcano whose tip finally appeared above the clouds.



Kind of apparent that I miss travelling, right? :) Oh well: it is what it is. Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made, and leave the travel plans in standby mode. Good thing is, I'll have a ton of excuses next year to compensate for all the travelling I haven't done this year!

And to wrap it up, another of the idillic beaches in Gili Air, one of the three Gili islands, between Bali and Lombok. A quiet setting, crystal clear waters... and an unexpected sculpture with a simple word, that seems to be in lack nowadays; hoping humanity can find more of it, sooner than later!



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Loved the sea weed farming photo! Great composition

I have a few more of this place I can show you! ;) Cheers! !BEER

Hey @xrayman, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I like these black and white pictures!! I believe all that is full of colors in the real life, and the monochromatic offers the possibility of seeing let’s say the soul of this place.

Monochromes definitely lends a different perspective. Thanks for the visit! !LUV

Great photos especially the swing and the boat 👍 nice to have some photos and memories to carry you over to a better place next year

Ohh I'll definitely get my travel revenge! :)

Great shots! I can literally feel how much you have been missing traveling. Same here my friend, same here :)

@tipu curate 2

Our time will come! ;) How's life? Everything going well? Cheers, mate! !BEER

Yeah, busy but alright here :) Cheers!

Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Wow I love the light in that octopus-looking boat.

Hope you get to travel soon. I like the way you cope with it. Relatable. ;)

Thanks for the visit! Hang in there too, our time will come! ;) !LUV

I have heard so many great things about Indonesia
I'd love to go there someday
Your pictures are awesome

Thank you! Warm people, beautiful places, cheap prices: impossible not to like the country! ;)

Cool photos. River bank with noisy sea. And cute monkeys.😊

The monkeys looked cute... but were litle devils! :))

 7 months ago  Reveal Comment