flowers in b-w

in Black And White3 years ago

Last night I experienced a sudden rush of obsession towards black and white, and spent half an hour in the evening meditation in Photoshop. I came across a catalog with flower shots, and this morning, you see the results...

Of course, it often happens that cool, great, brilliant and stunningly beautiful (what seemed to us like that at night) in the daylight seems to be a simple uncomplicated handicraft, or it is totally unclear where did the eyes see any good in this? ... logic and the reasoning thread of last night today in the light of a new day, are often completely lost ...

Вчера вечером я испытал прилив чувств к черно-белому, и провел полчаса за вечерней медитацией в фотошопе. Мне попался под руки каталог с файлами цветов, и вот сегодня утром, вы видите результаты. Конечно, очень часто бывает так, что крутое, великое, гениальное и потрясающе красивое (то что нам казалось таковым ночью) при свете дня кажется простой незамысловатой поделкой, или вообще непонятно, что хорошего в этом могли увидеть глаза?... логика и нить рассуждений вчерашней прошедшей ночи утром, при свете нового дня, часто оказываются напрочь утрачены...

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I was curious about the second photo that rose. Did you invert the color photo before you make it black and white?

Ahh I see, thanks I would love to see the color version of if XD

I have an ongoing obsession with black and white photos, too. When I'm using 35mm film I prefer black and white over colour; I think it stands out a lot more.

Black and white for those flowers really brings out the textures on the leaves and petals. Really great shots.

Sometimes black and white became a work of mysticism, classics and art of its own.