Back on track... Monomad

in Black And White2 years ago

I'm back working on some motorsport images, it's took a while to whittle over 2000 images down to the ones I like and are (for me) worth putting out..


It may be nearly 2 months since I shot these, but work's and other shoot's have had to take a priority, however, I've not had a shoot for a bit and I'm clearing off the editing so getting these done before I pick up the camera again.


Shooting at Cadwell Park circuit in Lincolnshire for the first time... I'd seen many images taken there from others, but as said in previous post, This was the first time I'd shot there and shooting bikes... I was looking for some low knee stuff and some air... I didn't really like the low stuff I got, maybe I need to have a look around at other locations on the track... But the Mountain, where I was for these air shots was great.... and not far from the cafe!!


Hopefully i'll be able to get some time off work this month, otherwise I'm going to lose some holidays and that will piss me off no end!! I'm going to head back up there... Get some panning practise in for those low level corners.


These are so cool. I would love to photograph an event like this one day.

its pretty cool.... you'll never see me on a bike like this (id need a full cow for the leathers!! lol) but its a nice way to spend a few hours.... go do it!!

 2 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Bad Ass photos!

thank you!

It is awesome! Great work, as usual!

thank you!!