Monomad | Three species of insects that I discovered today that look very beautiful and interesting

in Black And White6 months ago


This is my entry for the #monomad challenge curated by @monochromes today.

Hi everyone, how are you? I hope you have a nice day this weekend. This Saturday I went back around the small forest to hunt for small insect objects that like to play in the small forest, and before I leave I always prepare a smartphone camera and macro lens in my bag when I go into the forest.

When I got there I immediately walked around this forest and hoped to find several species of small insects, and soon I walked and found a Cupido argiades butterfly perched on the wild grass that grew abundantly in this small forest area. And at that time I immediately approached my lens towards this butterfly and took several picture poses that looked very beautiful and graceful.

Cupido argiades





After that I also found this Opeia obscura grasshopper, which has a slightly smaller body shape than other grasshoppers and is bright brown and looks very attractive, and at that time I took several picture poses which looked very beautiful because this brown grasshopper has its own characteristics.

Opeia obscura






And after that I went back around in another direction and got one species of ladybird beetle Coccinella transversalis which I found in the grass leaves, and at that time I had not managed to take many pictures because this species of ladybird beetle flew in another direction when I wanted to take several angles of the image from other directions.

Coccinella transversalis



LocationForest Aceh, Indonesia

Gee,, some of the insect pictures you posted look really cool, and I really enjoyed them

Thank you, glad to hear that you like it...

I love it ❤️macro photography.

Thank you very much for liking and hopefully in the future I can show more macro photography :)

Excellent. I follow you. Keep going