Photos of day 8 black and white - Fotos del día 8 en blanco y negro

in Black And White4 years ago

Hello dear audience, today I bring you several photos that I took near work, in the first photo a bird in its nest that here in Venezuela we call Potoca or Potoquita.

In the following photos we find several groups of tadpoles, at that time they were fighting for food since they did not move from the place where they were grouped.

Hola querida audiencia, hoy les traigo varias fotos que tomé cerca del trabajo, en la primera foto un pájaro en su nido que aquí en Venezuela llamamos Potoca o Potoquita.

En las siguientes fotos encontramos varios grupos de renacuajos, en ese momento estaban luchando por comida ya que no se mudaron del lugar donde estaban agrupados.

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