
It is looking like construction work is going on at that port. Is that so?

No, it's a factory producing sand and grit.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much @brumest!

Is sand used as material in construction??

You captures the image beautifully and from an extraordinary angle of view

Yes it's used in concrete.

An amazing way of doing black and white photography which seems to be "in motion", happening, you can almost hear that noise you mention in the title!.... Lovely, semi-abstract and eloquent photos!

Thanks for sharing @tonyz friend!


Thanks! Have a great weekend Jesus!

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Great detail in these Black and White. The composition is super cool, well done
Btw, you could add some details about the equipment you use to take your photos, it can add even more value to your articles :)

Just had a look at your account, new posts soon?

I hope so :)

Excellent pictures, I can imagine the noise of that equipment, it's a tough job extracting gravel. Congratulations

Yes brutal business!