MONOMAD - Mi fotografía preferida en blanco y negro / My favorite black and white photo. ESP/ENG

in Black And White2 years ago
Esta foto fue una de las primeras veces que trabajo en pieles oscuras y las verdad quede muy enamorado de el resultao, se tomo en conjunto de otras personas que estuvieron participando en la sesion y con la ayuda de mi coloega @ejrlopez que siepre estuvo alli
This photo was one of the first times I worked on dark skin and I really fell in love with the result, it was taken together with other people who were participating in the session and with the help of my colleague @ejrlopez who was always there


por acá la misma imagen pero con un poco mas de zoom usando los siguientes parametros para las 3 fotografías:

Iso 100 - 1 Flash Godox V850 1/1
Seg 1/200
F 3.5

here the same image but with a little more zoom using the following parameters for the 3 photographs:

Iso 100 - 1 Flash Godox V850 1/1
Sec 1/200

Esta otra foto tambien me gusto porque se ve mucho la simplicidad de la foto
I also liked this other photo because the simplicity of the photo is very visible



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All the photos look absolutely awesome the first photo was posed pretty well.

 2 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Nice! I like the all white, infinite, background, but I'm wondering if you're planning on digitally replacing it with something.