The Black&White Hike: Myburgh Waterfall #monomadchallenge

in Black And White3 years ago

My Entry to the Monomad Challenge

I’m always caught in a tug of war when making the switch to black and white. I’m a huge fan of nature and the fresh colour that it represents so it sometimes feels wrong to desaturate the photos.

BUT I also love texture and the monochrome’s bring the texture of nature to the forefront.


We started our hike from the Ruiterplaats estate and walked up the slopes of the mountain toward the contour path. Once up the initial slope, the path gently undulated your and down along the mountain side.


The views down the valley of Hout (wood) Bay and the Atlantic Ocean were spectacular. This is my old hood and I can’t believe I didn’t spend more time on these mountains when I lived there.

Unfortunately it’s not safe to walk these mountains alone so I usually stuck to the local roads and beaches.

It’s good to be back but on the mountains enjoying the gorgeous views.


We saw some beautiful flowers, many of the gladioli and orchids, which I’ll post separately because I just can’t bring myself to post them all in black and white.

Gladiolus Hirsutus


We eventually arrived at the bottom of the Myburgh Ravine and started the climb up the rocky side of the river headed for the waterfall. And we were rewarded with the most beautiful display.

The waterfall was spectacular! We all found a rock to plant ourselves on and enjoyed a snack and a rest.


The walk back was quicker as we didn’t stop to take photos of every single flower. The conversation is always one of the best part of our hikes - meeting new people, sharing stories and learning new things.

I can’t wait to share the next one.




Beautiful sunrays on those first two pictures, and that landscape with the mountains and lake is superb!

I know what you mean! All the colours around just want to stay colour right?
But I noticed that sometimes the BW ads so much calm... and expose things we wouldn't see.

Love the sunrays here!

Aaah I’m so glad you “get it!” I feel like most of these photos need to be seen on a big screen and not on my mobile but you’ve got to work with what you’ve got. Thanks for the reply!