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RE: This is Why Facebook is the Worst Place to Discuss Theology

in The Kingdomlast month

Facebook is a toxic place, full stop. Their algorithms are designed to show you things that make you angry, because they've worked out they get longer-duration engagement that way, which translates into being able to charge advertisers more.

Hive is far more civilised, because we can choose which communities we visit and what we see. Plus I'm convinced that Hivers are generally nicer, more tolerant people ! Hopefully it'll stay that way if we can get mass adoption....

Having said that, religion is something I tend to steer clear of on social media. It's a subject which I feel is too complex, nuanced and sensitive, and there's an old saying I think is very true - "No-one ever changed their mind because of a Facebook post". 😉


I don't discuss religion on politics on my news feed. I keep it clean. Nothing controversial. It's mostly me sharing my newsletter posts a couple of times a week and talking about books. The Facebook group I'm in is a religious satire group. Most in the group are probably Christian, but there are also some atheists, who are there to make fun of religion. The Christians are divided amongst liberals and conservatives taking potshots at each other, but mostly liberals. Since I'm neither liberal nor conservative, I mostly just laugh at them all and every once in a while post a meme that gets both liberals and conservatives riled.