in The Kingdom5 months ago

picture is mine

One of the present needs of the time is persistence. I want to share from the book of Luke 18:1 the word of the lord says 'And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;'. Many today are on the verge of giving up because of the challenging times we are in. No matter what we are confronted with today, we ought not to give up easily on God.

One of the virtues that defines a true believer is persistence. You may not know whether you are patient until you are confronted with a situation. It challenges that build virtue in us. How is your prayer life? Are you on the verge of giving up? Have you been perplexed from every side? Do you feel your prayers aren't answered? You need to persevere. The Bible says men ought to pray and not to faint.

One of the things that stirs and sustains the spirit of persistence is prayer. This ought to be our lifestyle. Some tips that could help one are discipline and consistent study life. I believe so much in the power of prayer because prayer changes so many things.

Thanks for reading.