in The Kingdom24 days ago



I want to share what has been one of the present challenge about Christians. Some think they are more righteous than others while others claimed to be the only one standing.

Here the word of God,
1 Kings 19:18 Yet I will preserve seven thousand others in Israel who have never bowed to Baal or kissed him!"

Elijah thought he's the only one standing that didn't bow to Baal. He never knew that there were remnants the Lord kept.

Many Christians today make a costly assumption and thought as if they are the only ones standing just like Elijah.

Many think of themselves higher than others. Many consider themselves to be more righteous than others. Many thought no one can preach or perform any spiritual function like them. Many thought no one can sing or play instruments like them.

Hear me, there are 7,000 God preserved in the days of Elijah that didn't compromised their faith.
Brethren, stop thinking about yourself to be the only true believer or follower of Jesus Christ. There are thousands of faithful disciples of Jesus out there. They don't make noise neither are they boastful like some of us today.

Don't do eye service to proof a point to people that you are disciple of Jesus. In this end time, God is raising many thousands of faithful and devoted disciples of Jesus.

You're not alone. There are many still standing(born again) in politics, church, school, Business, ministry etc. Take heed less you fall.

The lord will help us.