Important Lessons From Samson

in The Kingdom27 days ago


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The name "Samson" reminds of the strongest man that ever lived. He is blessed with great powers and strength that helped him to achieve wonderful feat. Although not being the only man that kill Lion with his bare hands, but it remains one of his numerous achievements that will stand forever. Who really is Samson and what can we learn from him.

Samson is one of Judges born during hard time. In those years, Philistine rules over Israelites and dominate them. They really suffer them and treated them badly. Judge chapter 13:1 captured that moment and inception of this great man, Samson. To save his people from their mighty oppressors, Jehovah God choose Samson before his birth as his Nazirite that will save his people. But it will not be easy work for him, he needed to trust Jehovah God.

Being a Nazirite, there are rules to be obeyed. He needs to keep his hairs long and avoid alcoholic drinks of all kinds. Samson keeps these rules and grew up mightily. Samson was special person because God's powers is very operative in him to free his people from oppression and sufferings. But how?

Philistines and their might armies usually attack Gods people and takes tribute at all time. Israelites lives in constant fear for their lives and their livelihood taken from them forcefully. In one of the instances, Samson kill over one thousand of Philistines' soldiers with donkey jawbone. They became afraid of Israelites because of the powerful acts of this God's servant. On many occasions, they tried to catch him alive but it means doom to them.

Despite many warnings, Samson always found himself entangled with their enemies. These occasions offer him greater chance of killing and massacring the in large numbers. With the help of his lover, they finally caught him to celebrate with their gods. Even at that dying moments, he became empowered to defend God's name and honor.

Lessons From Samson.

The lifestyle and his achievements teaches us great lessons. Let's learn about them.

Use of Valuable Gifts and Skills.

As Samson uses his natural gifts, he demonstrated his love and support for his people. We should imitate him and use our skills to help each other. Everyone is blessed with gifts. Using it properly will bring honor and help his people too. Assuming that we have gifts of speaking, we can exhort others with such gifts to worship God kindly.

We should be careful whenever we are using those valuable gifts. We should be kind to other while discharging those duties. Never become proud and abusive but respectfully helping others so that we all worship God in simple and easy manner. Using our gifts and training others will be best ways of worshipping our heavenly father.

Never Stop To Worship God.

Even in his dying moment, Samson shows remarkable strength and reliance on Jehovah God. He prays constantly to him for provision and support. God answered him and supported him during his trials. We should imitate such a great lesson from him and never stop to worship and honor God at all time. Praying constantly to him shows our complete reliance on him for support, provision and protection.

In the world, many activities can keep us busy. Our employment, passion and family takes enough time from us but should limit us from worshipping and respecting God. Balancing of our activities will help us to be devoted and committed to God completely. God needs our wholesome association and worship to him at all time and he will bless us.

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