Who Is Jehoash And What We Can Learn From Him

in The Kingdom25 days ago

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Bible is really the word of God which he inspire diverse people of different backgrounds and languages. From it's pages, we learn about some people and principles which can help and save us. For example, Prov Chapter 2:11 teaches us the importance of careful and deep reasoning which aid in making good decisions that will save us. King Jehoash was just a mere boy when he became the king of ancient Israelite. A mighty nation in the hands of toddler. How can he thrive and what can we learn from him.

His Good Examples And Significances

In her quest of becoming the regent, the killing of the royal line was ensured but young Jehoash was spared. Without his father and other relatives, He faced the dilemma of steering the mighty nation in such a dark ages. Jehoash makes good decisions at such younger age and God bless his reign. He is a good man and have good friends whose impacts helped him a lot. High priest at that time named Jehoiada became his mentor and guide which help him to be established as a rightful king in his forefather's throne. He teaches the young man and guide him perfectly. He even make good decisions like repairing Jehovah's temple for the continuous worshipping of God in the acceptance way.

However, we can learn and copy this wonderful acts from him. Beware of bad friends and choose wise one that will guide and assist us rightly. Friends have great impact on us directly or indirectly but it's better we choose them wisely. Having good friends can improve our lifestyle and our decisions making process. They will be interested in our life and warn us whenever we stray away. They lovingly offer good counsel that form the best decisions we can make about our life and our relationship with our heavenly father.

His Bad Examples And Significances

Jehoash makes bad decisions when his friend, Jehoiada die. He started to follow bad friends. Such bad friends are readily available in the group of Prince and others. They advice him wrongly and his people stopped to worship God rightly. He even wanted to kill his cousin, Zechariah that try to correct him. His bad decisions at the older age is very bad and have bad results. He lost his precious relationship with God, his people stopped to worship God and his death in the hands of his very servants.

Choosing of good friends is a blessing and can help us a lot. Having bad friends no matter who they are can affect us badly. We should be careful on how can carry ourselves. Pride and boastful attitude can ruin us but being humble and accept good direction and advice from good friends can help us a lot. We will continue to worship God rightly and enjoy his blessings. Also, we can be good friends like Jehoiada and Zechariah to others. Get closer to them and learn their fears and worries. Offer good advice without favour so that we can help them to progress and happy.

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