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RE: Saxon's Survival Hour #162: Rotating Electrical Contact.

Very intriguing. I made Kirk Hammett cringe once. You are far more interesting than me, as much as is Saxon than Metallica (a pun, if you are nominally musically inclined). I hate I can only upvote you directly for these posts by soliciting replies to my comments, and that I can only rage against the flaggots on Discord, which I pretty strongly resist lately, as a surveillance device I can starve of my data thereby.


Well, if they let me do it, they would have to let everybody do it, I guess.
I've run out of energy to beat my drum.
I'm sure I will pick some up somewhere and be back with a vengance, at some point.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage...RAGE! against the dying of the light.

Stay frosty, IYAM.