Sunset in the background light


If the setting sun hits the lens, then the dynamic range is usually not enough. We have a bright sun in a bright sky and at the same time deep evening shadows.

Of course, you can adjust the HDR camera mode, but I don't like to shoot with camera settings. I prefer the manual shooting mode. Therefore, sometimes you have to take three or more pictures with different shutter speeds and then stitch them in the Lightroom program. I like to control the process.


The second photo is just an HDR of 4 shots. But I had to apply a correction brush and add shadows. Otherwise, the picture turns out to be too flat and not very similar to the photo.

I was sitting in one of the boats and seeing off the sun, when suddenly the picture came to life. A young couple came to the pontoon pier with their dogs. It immediately became much more fun.




They were big dogs, but fortunately they didn't pay any attention to me.


Meanwhile, the sun continued to sink into the lake... it also wanted to refresh itself :)



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Sometimes when the scenery is breathtaking and I have a tripod with me, I take a bracketing shot, usually three in a series with a difference of one step of exposure and then I mix overlay them in LR or PS. Always better than just postprocessing a single image but much more labor required...

I have to say, I love backlit pictures. Yours are great.

The second photo I made up of 4 shots 1/80, 1/250, 1/800 and 1/2000. I didn't have a tripod, this is hand-held shooting.
I combined these photos into a Lightroom in HDR mode, but I didn't like the result. The picture turned out to be too flat. I then manually added some shadows with a correction brush.

Maybe there were too big steps of endurance? But one step seemed insufficient to me.
At the same time, at 28 mm of focal length, I have a table f/7.1

What did I do wrong?

Cheers and !BEER

It's hard to say, you know. There are so many parameters of this equation.
Looks good to me though, perhaps your perfectionism? 🤠

I wouldn't claim to be a perfectionist... and in photography too :-))
I just want to process the way the picture looked before my eyes. I tend to be more realistic in nature photography, although sometimes I have to do deep processing. But this is to achieve any effect.

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Hey @lightcaptured, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

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@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

This one is really beautful!! the colors are impresive!

Thanks :)

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Hey @malos10, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

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@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 158 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Beautiful shots :)

Thanks :)
Cheers and !BEER

Hey @manisha.jain9, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

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