Axie: 1 Week as a Scholar in AxieBCH

in Axie Buzz3 years ago

Yo! Wazzup!

Yeah, I know. It's been awhile since I last wrote.

I was busy from the previous days where we were preparing for my brother's wedding and held last monday. I'll write an article about the wedding. (Actually, there was already a draft and not yet complete because, we were waiting for the picture that I can send here. I didn't take a lot of picture)

So, for now is... I'm going to share you my 1 week here in axie. Well, its not 1week anymore. It's 8th day already.

Last January 19, the day I got passed in the test given and interview. I wrote my article about me passing and becoming a scholar.

"Officially a Scholar in AxieBCH."

For now, I will share you my experience from day 1 to present.

Wednesday, the day that Coach Nazko gave us our team.

And here's my team.


My team is Reptile Reptile Plant.

As I mentioned in my previous article, yes I already have experience playing axie with the team Aqua Aqua Plant (AAP) and Aqua Beast Plant (ABP). And I mentioned that it was a easy for me to handle those team, but this... Sigh...

My 1st day was really really bad! As in, Super BAD start hahaha.

I chose to play in PC, because my phone was full and I haven't cleaned up yet. I was so excited and yeah, tried the team as soon as possible, example in Arena.

I won 2 times streak first in arena and I don't have any idea what to throw. Since, it's my first time holding reptile. Maybe the first 2 game was just a lucky to me.



This, first 2 win... And after that, my MMR started going down until it reached to 800. Face palm

Imagine!! First day? Your MMR is 800? But you're playing other team so easily? Why?! Hahaha!

I really don't know the use of Reptile that time and I got panic. My first SLP in the first day only reached to 86? I forgot, I didn't take a screenshot. Since I keep losing. It was indeed a bad start for me.

I got panic, and I start watching all the videos of coach Nazko with the RRP team he had. I played all over and over again, until learning from my mistakes.

2nd day, still bad but that too bad from the first day. I somehow trying to recover little by little. From 800 jump to 870.


My SLP is only 81. Since when your MMR reached to 1k below, you will receive 1SLP per win only in Arena so yeah. 50 in adventure + 25 in quest +5slp win in arena that 81. It's since I'm starting to climb up.

3rd day yep, still the same playing from 870-900. Then on the 4th day, my laptop is having a problem. I contact coach and asked him if I can change my axie in phone from PC, since my laptop is not doing great. (Actually my pc now is broken, that I need to take him to the hospital. Kidding, to the repair shop). So yeah, he said I can change to other mobile, I just need to logout from PC and delete the hub from pc and turned it on in CP. And yeah, it's easy to play in cp than PC. But I still want to play in PC than CP for some reason.

In my 4th day, I ranked up a little climbed up to around 960? If I remember correctly.


Yep. I'm doing great, I'm having more win less loss. I wanted to grind more MMR but I was busy that day that I had to prepare DIY for my brother's wedding. So, I just keep it as usual normal play.

5th day, Sunday, I got bored, I finished my usual game and yeah, my MMR reached to 1k+ now. Slowly but surely. I'm getting used to it, I mean this 2 Reptile are the best team.

Also, the 5th day, I started the drawing where I turned my Axie team into Character.



It was actually my plan to turn my team into a character because I will going to print a Tshirt with this one and with the Axie. Cool, right? I know. This is why, I made this.

Okay moving on

6th day, My brother's wedding day. I played late at night around 11:30. And oh! They used our team for woohoo lol, I mean for breeding. So, we didn't play from 5-7pm PH time. And as for my Arena yeah, I got 7/3. I'm mastering the RRP now. And I reached almost at 1100


7th day, 1 week, I managed to reach my MMR to 1100.. Yeah. Slowly but surely going back to the ranking and going to surpassed Admin Denis OliCrypto's highest MMR he got. This was his previous team and I'm now the one playing it. Sorry for ruined your favorite team haha but don't worry, I'll going to make it to 2000.

And also, I was able to finish the drawing of 2 more. Which is another reptile and a plant.


This is another Reptile and... The the image below is the plant.


Honestly, this was my favorite one.

And when I combined them, just like the position I had.


Tadaa~cool, right? Reptile Reptile Plant turned into a Character. Even Admin OliCrypto loved my drawing piece. And I'm so happy to know that. Hehehe

I'm now preparing for Coach's team and he said, he'll make it as profile picture. Nice.

Okay Moving on...

8th day, I managed to get 110 SLP today. And my MMR was playing 1100-1180, though its fine.


A little more, and as I said, slowly but surely, will go back and reach to highest. So wait for it.

And~~ this is the review of my 1 week... No, 8 days rather, playing Axie in AxieBCH.

Coaches still looking for active scholarship. If you haven't apply yet, come and join and apply, who knows, you'll be the next scholar soon.

To those who wants to apply, just send your resume/application form in there. And just be active so coach will noticed you fast. And... Goodluck!

That's it.

Thank you guys again for your time~



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