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RE: How random crits destroyed the game.

in Axie Buzz • 3 years ago

Ooof.. You sound like you are losing a lot more than just your MMR. You're losing your sanity 😰 Maybe time to take a break and hire a scholar to play your account. Then you can focus on building and doing things you enjoy.

On a more cheeky note.. Why do you have a balcony on the ground floor? And how does one break a leg jumping from the ground floor? 🤣 Anyway.. Do yourself a favour and stop playing for a while. Hope things take a turn for the better. Cheers!


Well, to allow burglar to come in without experiencing any difficulties 😂😂

Ye, hard core losing streak. But, to some degree its my fault for playing when mad. You can imagine how many dumb decisions I made.

I'm that kinda of guy, boom or bust. For now it's bust 😂