Downward Trend

in Axie Buzz2 years ago

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The dip is too low.
The dip is about to reach centavo.
The fake people are creating taboo.
Some money maker are saying baboo.

The adventure is to dive farther.
The adventure is to do or die rather.
No one seems to be bothered.
Toward and beyond we gathered.

The harder we push, the further we go.
The faster we go, many things we overdo.
Think of other thinks to be grateful.
The car speed is not yet at full.

Twinkle dimple the dull has a goal.
The crypto in general is like a ball.
The harder it hit the ground.
The higher it will rebound.

Axie is still the best.
The Father among the rest.
If you are in Axie you must be proud.
Shout it today, LOUD.