Fantasy Night at the Opera - AI Art @NightCafe Studio

in Digital Artlast month

Daily Challenge #461: Jan 17, 2024: Night at the Opera
Challenge Criteria
Today's theme invites you to experience the grandeur and drama of a "Night at the Opera." 🎭🌙

Examples of Night at the Opera-themed creations could include:

Elegant illustrations capturing the opulence of opera houses, showcasing grand interiors and glamorous attire.
Dramatic scenes featuring iconic operatic moments, powerful performances, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Artwork that conveys the emotions and atmosphere of a night at the opera, blending music, storytelling, and visual delight.

Tool & Prompts:
Juggernaut XL v7
"Fantasy Night at the Opera"
"graffiti art, splash art, street art, spray paint, oil gouache melting, acrylic, high contrast, colorful polychromatic, ultra detailed, ultra quality, CGSociety"
"detailed matte painting, deep color, fantastical, intricate detail, splash screen, complementary colors, fantasy concept art, 8k resolution trending on Artstation Unreal Engine 5"
"intricate details, HDR, beautifully shot, hyperrealistic, sharp focus, 64 megapixels, perfect composition, high contrast, cinematic, atmospheric, moody"
"ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft"

Submitted for the challenge:

Breakdown Results:
No breakdown result

No Origin Image

Artwork Site:

Disclaimer: Final product(s) is (are) my own property and creations, re-post from my own account at NightCafe Studio, Instagram and Facebook. Origin image is from my personal collection or free images at Above is the link to the site post itself.

#aiart #nightcafe #digitalart #vqganclip via @NightcafeStudio #NCDailyChallenge!!