Knowledge is empowerment and library is the host to it - AI Art @NightCafe Studio

in Digital Art2 months ago

Daily Challenge #453: Jan 9, 2024: Empowerment
Challenge Criteria
Empower yourself and inspire contestants with your submissions focused on empowerment! 💪🎨

Examples of Empowerment-themed creations could include:

Bold and expressive artwork showcasing individuals overcoming challenges and embracing their strength.
Vibrant illustrations symbolizing unity, resilience, and the triumph of the human spirit.
Thought-provoking pieces celebrating diversity, equality, and the empowerment of marginalized voices.

Tool & Prompts:
Juggernaut XL v7
"Knowledge is empowerment and library is the host to it. Hyperdetailed library with row of cupboards full of assorted books."

Submitted for the challenge:

Breakdown Results:
No breakdown result

No Origin Image

Artwork Site:

Disclaimer: Final product(s) is (are) my own property and creations, re-post from my own account at NightCafe Studio, Instagram and Facebook. Origin image is from my personal collection or free images at Above is the link to the site post itself.

#aiart #nightcafe #digitalart #vqganclip via @NightcafeStudio #NCDailyChallenge!!!