Purple-Essay Contest: I like the purple.💜

in Photo-essay11 months ago
Known for purple, violet with dark or light shades, it is a color palette associated with elegance, mystery, spirituality, wisdom, wit that is obtained with the mixture between the primary colors blue and red.

It seems to me that it is a nice color💜 but not popular, it is little compared to other colors what is achieved, although nature has been responsible for presenting the color in flowers even in leaves. In spite of everything the color is present in makeup, clothing, hair dye, decorative aspects in homes, offices, in the procession of the Nazarene in Holy Week the color purple predominates.

Here I leave you my photographic contribution to the community, which this time is #Purple-essay, week 7.

I want to start with the pride of Venezuela, the orchid, the national flower declared since May 23, 1951. Its petals of light violet color, in the part of the labellum the yellow coloration veined with spots of intense violet, in addition to some undulations that simulate the body of a woman.


The purpurina (Tradescantia pallida), a creeping plant with deep purple leaves and lilac flowers, the more sun it receives, the more intense the color of its leaves will be.


It is a variety of terrestrial orchid, Spathoglottis Plicata, is the name by which it is known scientifically, with bright green pleated leaves, its violet flower, has earned the popular nickname of garden orchids.


Ruellia tuberosa, known in Venezuela as escopetilla, yuquilla, wild herb that abounds after the rains its striking violet flower, is short-lived. When the flower falls off, a kind of capsule remains, which explodes when in contact with water and spreads the seeds in the area.


It's amazing, in my hunt for purple items, I only found two items of clothing, which caught my attention, even though it's a nice color it's not common in my clothing closet.


Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.



Beautiful photos!!

Thanks my friend @mbracho.

Orchids are just a charmer. I love this flower because their flowers don't wither right away, they are really taking the time to show off their awesome beauty! Haha

Haha, you are right, we are all enjoying hunting for purple colors every where we go.
Best of luck dear and happy to read your post.
Have a great week!