White-Essay Contest: Between the favorites, the color white.

in Photo-essaylast year
The color white is associated with purity, perfection, light, cleanliness, calm, and innocence, it provokes stimuli of tranquility, in fact when we say that our mind is blank it means that there is an absence of ideas, like a blank page. I particularly like to wear white because it looks elegant and attracts attention. In fact, in my home, my favorite place where I spend several hours, the color white predominates.

Here I leave you my photographic contribution to the community, which this time is #white-essay, week 6.

Starting by sharing the photos where the color white is the protagonist. Straight from my garden for you, the flower of a creeping plant, which is not afraid of the sun to open the flowers around 11 am, hence its name, beautiful at eleven o'clock, also known as, portulaca grandiflora, love for a while, silk flower.


These are white berberia flowers, a shrub that always has flowers, which are used as a remedy for sinusitis, these flowers are boiled, strained and let stand and then make inhalations through the nose, at the time they begin to throw out the mucus relieving the disease.


I love this picture! I love coffee. A cappuccino with chantilly cream, served in a white cup. Just looking at the photo makes my mouth water.


I recently attended a goat show, I loved this specimen because of its white color, it stood out in the herd.


White clouds, like specks of cotton, stand out in the blue sky, carried away by the wind. I remember that since I was a child I always drew white clouds.


Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.

I invite you to participate, here the link:




Beautiful photographs 😊