Winners anouncement #green-essay πŸ’šπŸŒ²πŸπŸ“—πŸ‘½πŸ‘•

in Photo-essay β€’ last year

Good day ,

I'm delighted with the amount of contributors and the diversity of green subjects , i can only hope that the new #red-essay will continue in this way.

We had more then 20 competitors this week ,
and there can only be 10 winners this week so..
I know I have to dissapoint some of you this week, but don't let that stop you from competing in the new contest #red-essay.

Here are the winners of #green-essay in non specific order :

by :@jlinaresp

by : @mariamor785

by : @oceanbee

by : @bluemoon

by :@lorennys

by : @denisda

by : @llunasoul

by : @xuwi

by : @usagigallardo015

by : @mipiano

The prices have been send to the winners , a great thank you to @ecency for the sponsoring of the points again.

If you have the time have a look at all #green-essay posts ,
they really are a joy to watch.

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

Posted using Ecency Coin

You can find me on Ecency Discord

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( jlinaresp ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Thanks a lot @blanca56 friend!

Β last yearΒ (edited)Β 

Thank you so much. @blanca56

Thank you πŸ˜‡

Echaaa!!! Felicidades. Buen fin de semana, mipiano.

Β last yearΒ (edited)Β 

Tenx Nenx :D

(versiΓ³n espaΓ±ola de Thanks Nanixxx)

Buen finde igualmeNte πŸ€

bueno ezzzpañola, ezzzpañola... ¿zzzenx? 😁 ¿extrañas los hives de Nenx?

Thank you so much @blanca56 and congratulations to all the winners and participations

Congrats to all winners and congrats to photo-essay being so successful

@hive-14396, @beeber(2/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Thank you so much @hive-14396 im so very happy that my post was included to this round. Congratulations to all the winners that was all beautiful green @jlinaresp @mariamor785 @oceanbee @bluemoon @lorennys @denisda @llunasoul @xuwi @mipiano

Thank you)) Congratulations to you))

You’re welcome ☺️😘😘😘

Wow 🀩 lots of participants!!! It had to be very hard to choose the winners… congratulations to all!! πŸ‘πŸ†πŸŽ‰

Β last yearΒ (edited)Β 

It was a hard choice indeed

Thank you very much)))

Thank you very much all of you in the team!... I am delighted to be here with you! A round of applause to all the winners and participants!... ;)


@hive-14396! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (1/5)

Thank you so much. I am very pleased to have been selected among the winners of the contest.

Thank you for including my post too into the ten, and for the ecency points!

We hope to see many red-essay posts this week πŸ˜€

Congratulations to the winners. Very good work indeed.
I hope to be able to participate in the next theme.

A big hug!

Waooo estoy feliz πŸ˜€ felicidades a todos los demΓ‘s πŸ˜€ bendiciones πŸ™πŸ»

An big congrats to the winners
Those photos are pretty keen
Am not disappointed
It's inspiring.

Congratulations to everyone who took part, I think all the entries were very good, as were the ones that were highlighted. Thank you and good luck in the next contest!