
in DiggnDeeper.com10 months ago

So many tabs open and so few words to pour onto this blank editing page on Peakd.com that I've just opened. And no, it's not writer's block. I could write for hours, pouring post after post onto my blog. But sometimes, I just don't feel like talking about "the obvious" anymore.

Take Ukraine and the $13 billion that Obama (cough Biden) is sending in military aid, while only spending on "their own Hawaii," which burned down to ashes over the past couple of days. What an idiot sends more money to a foreign country fighting a war it will never win, rather than spending that money on his own country.

The war in Ukraine would not have started without the US, and it would have definitely ended a long time ago if it weren't for the monetary support that the United States has sent over the past couple of years. This somehow "made the EU take part" in this shitshow as well, thus making us poor citizens pay a part of the total cost of the war too.

By the way, Poland is hoarding up on gold, and I wonder why they don't do that with Bitcoin. Maybe it's because Bitcoin is intangible, whereas gold is tangible. Or perhaps it's because China and Russia have been doing the same for a few good years already. So, should we "the internauts" follow suit?

Well, there's a chart making the rounds on Twitter, claiming that according to some renowned TA pattern, BTC will rise to a bit over $100,000 in the coming months and then fall back to $4,000 afterward, where the Covid rally started. What do you think of that? I'm not saying it can't happen, but to me, this occurrence would invalidate everything that Bitcoin is and has become over the past six years or so.


Achieving ultimate consensus in society is hard, if not impossible. We can see that here on Hive, where disagreement is fervent across many "community-related" businesses. Current world leaders (official leaders) from around the globe are witnessing their "trust scores" plummeting like bombs in Ukraine. I wonder why...

Maybe it's Covid, Ukraine, all the artificially created inflation, and all the bullshit we've gone through over the past couple of years or more. These factors must have something to do with the lack of trust the masses have in their leaders. So, what do we do? Vote for the left (in case the right is in charge)? I'd say left and right are the same clowns, so what then?

Replace them with software, or with DAOs? Hmmm. I don't know. All I know is that disunity provides the perfect soil for these (the powers behind all official powers) to plant their dirty weeds, designed to further weaken our society. I remain bullish, though. I remain bullish on Bitcoin, Hive, Ethereum, and quite a few working projects, no matter the prospects.

I have to be bullish. After all, I've dedicated a good chunk of my online life and money to this thing. I don't believe that Bitcoin is going to pump and dump as hard as quite a few are talking about on Twitter lately. I really don't. And I don't think economic conditions will significantly impact the markets.

Markets are not driven by the economy or wars (generally speaking); they're driven by fear and greed. When the masses read in the mainstream media that BlackRock is getting into Bitcoin, they'll buy Bitcoin. The euphoric stages of any bull cycle defy logic. When a Bitcoin spot ETF gets approved in the US, and you can bet on BlackRock's, every taxi driver, shop owner, and construction worker will buy bitcoin.

When Hal Finney tweeted that he was running Bitcoin, no one cared. I didn't care, because the masses are hard to move at first. They need the snowball to grow to a decent size before they start paying attention.

"Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die of euphoria," according to John Templeton. Never forget that. What do we see now in the crypto markets? I don't know about you, but it's clear skepticism to me since we left BTC $15K. Will it reach $200,000? I don't know, I wouldn't mind it. Will HIVE go to $100? I don't know, but I sure know I would love it.

All I know is that somehow the world has reached a point where the masses are still asleep in regards to so many "frauds" coming from the elites. At the same time, they've been fooled for so long. You know how coils work; you can only press them so much. At some point, they'll aggressively expand right into your nose.

Maybe we did need the Covid pandemic, high inflation, and the war in Ukraine for decentralized blockchain technology to catch on. Maybe we need WEB2 oppression for WEB3 projects, such as Hive, to thrive. Maybe...

Thanks for your attention,


You are an incredibly deep thinker, I'm pleased others can see so much of this globalised corruption, but it depresses me how mass populations are oblivious to it all. It's so messed up that Biden and the West are keeping this war going with its 'aid' to Ukraine. Obviously this is to keep the Military Industrial Complex active and to protect globalist interests at the expense of ordinary citizens. Zelenskyy is just another globalist thug. All they are doing is prolonging the misery of Ukranians.

As for securing societal consensus that is a very difficult thing to do these days. Liberal supremacists and global Marxists have done an excellent job in dividing us. It will take a very long time to achieve some kind of unity, if it's possible.

In relation to the Bitcoin price forecasts always be cautious of those, no one really knows. Don't forget we have the halving next year, I would anticipate some excitement then, and perhaps later on a full bull market. But for now the bear prevails, although he's slowly weakening his grip.

Voting left is the last thing you should do. There's very little difference between the left and right these days as you know, but the only glimmer of hope we have is a small ray of light on the right of the political spectrum. But that is just a starting point. There is no way we can get humanity to a better place if all we ever do is elect establishment politicians, from whatever political party.

Replacing the establishment with DAOs would definitely be a step in the right direction.

I believe we are already in a bull market but in its initial phases. Many are only calling it a bull market when we have a parabolic run but parabolic runs need momentum.

What if we just ignore them and "roll our own"? #WeHaveTheTools #OpenSource and #Decentralize everything.

I hope to live the day to see that. I'm so sick and tired of the current filthy system... I have an insane disgrace towards the status quo.

Well, the good news is that it is certainly crumbling, so it our duty to make the most of it.

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