DiggnDeeper.com - Finding the Right Building Blocks

in DiggnDeeper.com10 months ago


Thank you!

I want to just start with a huge thank you to everyone who has joined our @DiggnDeeper.com community since we relaunched the Hive community page a couple of days ago. It's been great to welcome new subscribers including @acesontop, @hiro-hive, @antisocialist, @drakos and @steemflow - a big welcome to you all. Good to have you with us. Special thanks goes out to those guys who have started publishing on our community page. Thank you to others who have also joined our Discord community.

Obviously it's early days but we have been pleasantly surprised by the response. We are also even more delighted that some of you have already started posting onto the community page. This is great, thank you for your contributions.

What Are We Trying To Build?

In a nutshell - a better world. Yes, we know its a familiar story. Everyone it seems wants to live in a better world. That much is agreed. But how do we make that world happen? No matter how much you try and push it away or deny it, you're going to have to say to yourself at some stage:

it starts with me

Sorry but it's true. It doesn't have to be that daunting. Fortunately today we have blockchain and other technologies that empower us with the knowledge and skills needed to overthrow the bad guys. There's very few countries that are unaffected by the bad guys. Therefore, wherever you are in the world you need to do something.

Look at the platform we're using right now. Hive is a proven fact that when technologies and people come together we are capable of creating decentralized and autonomous communities in which we can set our own rules, govern ourselves and make our own money. Remember, not until we are in control of our own currency supply will we ever be truly free. The technology exists to empower people to create a better world. But the existence of this technology is not enough.

Harnessing Technology and Crypto To Overthrow the Corruption

So many people are unaware of blockchain technology? Ask yourself how many members of your own family are using it? How many of them have adopted cryptocurrency? I dare say it's not that many, you might be the only one. We have a long way to go to spread the world and get more people onboarded into the cryptosphere.

Once the word has been spread far and wide and we have mass adoption then what? Well, this is one of the big keys to the solution. I was talking with the main man DiggnDeeper the other day. We agreed that technology has the ability to empower us to rise up, overthrow and set us all free but I questioned what good is that technology when it falls into the wrong hands, I emphasised that the technology needs to be in the rights. DiggnDeeper pointed out that no, it needs to be in all of our hands. He's right.


tell yourself there's something you can do about it

🥂🥂 together we make things possible.

Yes, absolutely, that's what Hive and DiggnDeeper are about. It has to be a team effort.

This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Ooh nice
I'd begin to post there too
Let's make this happen!!!