A Day at the Beach

in Lifescape Tribe16 days ago (edited)

Another weekend adventure for us. Today we went to Aringay La Union for a quick deep in the see. It's been a while since we last came to the beach.

Like I always say we are a beach person, since we live in the highlands we always see mountain so the beach is always our go to place if we want to relax and breath some fresh air.

The sea is a bit calm today, a perfect time to ride the waves with my son. I guess he is used to going to the beach already beacause he's not afraid anymore of the incoming waves. This way we both get to enjoy our trips to the beach.

For our food we had a grilled eggplant and chicken. As always my wife prepared them and I'll be the one to cook. She always boils the chicken first before I grill to make sure it is well cooked.

It was a turing day but also relaxing, I'm just glad we get to do this things more ofter. Them is no better way to spend your time but to spend it with the family.

So before we go home we went back again to the shore from our cottage to say goodbye to the beach .My son refuses to go home unless he said goodbye to the beach, his wish is my comment.

Also we took some photos, another memory in our treasure box.

How about you,how did you spend your saturday.
Feel free to share it with our community.

Thanks for always visiting my blogs,see you in the next one!


nice bonding there, soon you're kid will be aquaman.

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Definitely looks like a good day. The grilled eggplants is unique but I bet it was good. !LUV

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Dapat may hive account na din sya..hahaha


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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@whoswho(3/20) tipped @suteru

The waves on La Union beaches can be roaring and turbulent.

🤩 !PGM

uff que rica vida hno, playa comida familia, gracias por tu amistad. !WOC

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