
¡Wow! So interesting to hear your story with video games. I've played Shadow of Mordor, and it's a great game! I haven't played the second, but it's on my list.

When I was younger, I wanted to work in the gaming industry. I am from Mexico, and things did not go my way for many reasons, but I'm happy with my current life and work.

You are right real life is the best RPG, and I also think that Hive is one of the best MMORPG I have "played", hahaha. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I still like video games, but every day I think I'm losing some interest. I prefer to be in Hive.

-@eddiespino from the @aliento project.

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Shadow of Mordor!

It's pretty hard to get into the video game industry, i was very lucky... but it's also not the most comfortable industry to work in for a lot of reasons.

What aspects of Hive feel most like an MMORPG?

Yes, I've heard that the video game industry can be pretty demanding.

What aspects of Hive feel most like an MMORPG?

The reputation system, even though it's not perfect. The social part is where you can interact with people, make friends, and sometimes enemies.

The different levels like Plankton, Minnow, Dolphin, Orca, and Whale are gained depending on the Hive Power.

The Resource Credits are also named "mana."


And also, the "Voting Power" needs time to be recharged after it is used.

There are many things, and with time I can feel that I have "leveled up" in wisdom or knowledge about the Blockchain. There are also several trophies that we can unlock in And on the same site, we can see a huge leaderboard.

And, of course, the actual games like Splinterlands and Rising Star.

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