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RE: A few random photos and such from like 2004 apx, like WOLBI NY Roomies and WCC and MySpace, etc.

in THE 2000s3 years ago

Asians are slimmer. I don't think that. They simply are on average. Not always. And it depends. But currently, that is how things are. It does not matter what you think. Only thing that matter are statistics, averages, generalities, patterns, history, etc. And OMICRON is a DECEPTION. People are dying from COVID VACCINES. But the whole world everywhere is lying and saying people are dying from OMICRON. No. Wrong. Lie. You will someday hear about OMICRON. And it will not be the last alleged Covid Variant. Lie. Another lie. They are lying to us.


Asians are slimmer. I don't think that. They simply are on average. Not always. And it depends. But currently, that is how things are. It does not matter what you think. Only thing that matter are statistics, averages, generalities, patterns, history, etc.

Yeah, You maybe correct! By the way, I've never seen a woman of this volume here. However, there seem to be many such women in America?😆



And OMICRON is a DECEPTION. People are dying from COVID VACCINES. But the whole world everywhere is lying and saying people are dying from OMICRON. No. Wrong. Lie. You will someday hear about OMICRON. And it will not be the last alleged Covid Variant. Lie. Another lie. They are lying to us.

@joeyarnoldvn, Do you think OMICRON is a fictional disease? Did countries fabricate OMICRON with the goal of getting more people to get the coronavirus vaccine?

If you make such a claim, you will be sentenced to 3 years in prison here.😵

 3 years ago  

Some women are even fatter than that. Some men are fatter.

Omicron is not a fictional disease. Omicron is Covid Vaccines. They are saying Omicron is a new mutation of Covid-19. But Omicron is more so a mutation from the Covid Vaccines. Omicron is the same as Delta and other variants which were created from the vaccines and not from Covid-19. People go to prison in America. And you may even die in some prisons in America.

Yes, they try to force people to get Covid Vaccines and boosters. They have to scare people. But people are dying from the Covid Vaccines. So, they have to scream, "Oh my God, people are dying from Omicron, you have to get more vaccines." In other words, it is like I am punching you in the face. And you say your face hurts. And then I say I will help you by hitting you even harder. That is what they are doing and saying. They are hitting people even harder with worse vaccines each time. Each vaccine is stronger and bigger. Each booster vaccine is more dangerous. People are slowly dying over the course of the next 8 years or less. Billions of people may die if we do not stop them. They are trying to kill over seven billion people all around the world. You can sit there and do nothing. But they are trying to kill you too. And maybe you will die when they murder you.