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RE: 2021-04-16

in THE 2020s3 years ago (edited)

Wow, that is weird that regular flu cases dropped and covid rose. This tells me that they are just using regular flu cases and labelling them Covid, or... Maybe it means the old flu just grew wings. Haha! Nobody had the FLU, everybody had Corona. Maybe the FLU was corona the whole time, but since Corona was unknown, no one knew where to search. How do you find something that you don't know to look for. I have no idea, this is all perplexing and strange indeed.

 3 years ago  

I agree that the Flu is another thing that people haven't investigated. I mean, some people have but many people don't think a lot about what is the Flu and where did it come from all of a sudden kind of thing.

Yeah, they say Covid has not been isolated and therefore it is probably worse than trying to see something with a super microscope that you cannot really isolate and see. I don't know if they can actually see electrons or corks or whatever is the smallest that they can see and then they can theorize smaller things. Covid might be a theory too lol.