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RE: 2021-07-15

in THE 2020s3 years ago

So has it been shown that Hadley Ann Huffman died because of a vaccine? All the news I could find, even from infowars, etc. gave no evidence of that. I mean I'm not saying the vaccine didn't cause her death but to assume that is true isn't just jumping to conclusions, it's fucking the conclusion to death. Not every person who has had the vaccine, who also happens to die at some point after, dies because of the vaccine any more than every person that dies who happened to have covid at some point died because of covid.

I remember stories of hospitals listing car accident victims, etc. as covid deaths if they happened to have covid regardless of whether or not that really had anything to do with their death. This sounds like almost the same thing. I'm willing to believe but there has got to be evidence. Dying two months after getting a vaccine hardly counts as that.

 3 years ago  

The evidence for her death is there. I do not know how you are not able to see it. There is so much evidence. So many people die from Covid Vaccines. They get blood clots because their skin thickens. Blood clots causes heart attacks, brain seizures, etc. So, after that, people end up dying. A lot of people get these crystals which grow inside them. A lot of people are getting autoimmune diseases. The list goes on and on and on. Go check out Health Ranger Mike Adams at for more information.