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RE: 2021-10-23

in THE 2020s3 years ago

The most incompetent and corrupt president ever thinks he can appease the people by making jokes when he really is just digging a deeper hole...

Yep that's right we have a pedophile for president and I would give a pardon to anyone who tried to assassinate the president... Well only if they actually succeeded.

Personally I've never thought that I would advocate for a presidential assassin. However in this instance I am praying that whatever deity is up there would possibly drop a lightning bolt on the idiot and his entire administration saving everybody the trouble....

Or for that matter maybe a tsunami wave that miraculously misses the entire population of Washington DC and only gets the deep State politicians.

A selective tsunami wave would be cool...

 3 years ago  

But Biden is just a puppet. Killing him does not stop the problem.

I absolutely agree that it would put us into even worse hands if just Biden got assassinated. That's why the entire administration needs to go.
