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RE: 2021-11-09

in THE 2020s3 years ago

The governor of California took the cookie stopper some days ago. He has since disappeared because it ended up stopping him, we pray this is used to wake up even more people as the stopper is MURDERING MURDERING MURDERING too many children around the world.

The less white blood cells you have, the more cancer you get, adults get cancer every hour on average. The white blood cells kill off the cancer all of the time in your body. Guess what reduces your white blood cells? You guessed it, the cookie stoppers.

Everyone's attacking Aaron Rodgers because he chose not to kill himself via the cookie stoppers which actually stops life.

Dear @joeyarnoldvn, What is the cookie stopper? Is it bad for human?

 3 years ago  

Cookie Stopper is code for Covid Vaccines. I even write Cookie-19 as a clue to what cookie means. I say in context to many things. It is the number one thing people can talk about all around the world, especially as the vaccines, which is GENE THERAPY, is MURDERING CHILDREN.

Cookie Stopper is code for Covid Vaccines.

Is all genetic information of covid vaccinated people disclosed through Cookie Stopper?😦

 3 years ago (edited) 

Cookie Stoppers means Covid Vaccines. When I say Cookie-19, I mean Covid-19. When I say Cookie Stopper, I mean Covid Stopper. What is a Covid Stopper? A Covid Stopper would be something that stops Covid. They say Covid Vaccines stops Covid. So, I call Covid Vaccines the Cookie Stoppers. But the Stopper gives you more Cookies. In other words, the vaccines gives you Covid-19, Delta, etc.