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RE: 2022-02-22

in THE 2020s2 years ago

America launched on the 4th of July of 1776 which was during the alignment with Pluto. Today marks the return of Pluto, it continues for the next 2 years. Today is also the birthday of George Washington, he was born February 22, 1732. Wars have been launched on the return of Pluto throughout world history. This return is no different.

Dear @joeyarnoldvn , I just found out that today is George Washington's birthday. By the way, do you believe in astrology?

 2 years ago  

I believe astrology is worth studying. So, I look at it sometimes. I believe in learning about astrology.

I remember that the sun and the moon have a huge impact on Earth's climate and natural environment. So, astronomy became the decisive cause of the birth of time and calendar. Certainly, astrology is interesting because it is a primitive concept in astronomy.😃

 2 years ago  

I do not know specifically if Pluto's role is significant to even talk about, I don't know how much Pluto may affect earth, but I do know people see patterns and meaning in the stars and planets and bodies in space. Astronomy or astrology may be one of the first forms of science on earth. They say science stems from it.

I agree with you! Astronomy was the first concept and source of world science.

 2 years ago  
