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RE: 2021-11-12

in THE 2020s3 years ago (edited)

I found the response you gave me on my comment on your previous post. At first, I said, wait, I thought you already spoke about this, didn't I read it somewhere on your post? Then, I remember, no, I read as a comment reply, not a post. Glad to see it as a post as it makes me respond to it as well.

Desserts in Africa used to be green. But they probably have less carbon dioxide right now. Plus, if the ocean is hotter, then more water will evaporate up into clouds and rain onto the land. Global warming causes jungles, rain-forests.

I won't lie to it. I haven't seen what a desert looks like, not on screen, or picture. I guess I never wanted to. I just imagined it to be a desert, with no lives, no water, just sand, and dust. So, I wouldn't know if it was green and then the lack of CO2 destroys it.

For Facebook censorship, I think your leadership guide is right. The admin should try as much as they can to bypass the Algorithm and AI without censoring the posts of the members. Humans created the codes used by those AI's so other human's can have a counter for it.

Any admin who doesn't support a non- censored group should be voted out using the polls as you suggested. If they are going to hurt the group, then they should be dropped. No offense taken.

 3 years ago  

The Sahara Desert is a lot bigger now than it was in the past. So, when plants die, then the ground may dry out. Land becomes desert mostly when there is less and less rain which means less plants, trees which then means less soil, fertilizer, compost. Long story short, slowly over time, the ground becomes harder and harder for life to grow on. So, what we need is enough rain. And rain come mostly because of evaporation. Less clouds means less rain which then means less green earth.

What you said about my Facebook group, I agree. Thank you.