
in THE 2020s10 months ago (edited)

Rapists get 2 years in jail, Joe Biggs gets 17 years for nothing. Jan6 is a scam created by globalists to go after freedom lovers. Joe was on with Alex Jones. Joe almost got 40+ years. Trump to get 700 years.

The future will have more tech ADDICTION in the same way humans become addicted to drugs, alcohol, smoking, drinking, sex, power, etc. People will live in pods in the same way people are addicted to meth. We need Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) but for tech related issues. Pedo PETA Pope sucks. Oddly, people are getting meat allergies after getting killer Covid Vaccines. They want us to eat the bugs, live in the pod, agenda 2030, and be happy. But not really happy.

I'd rather be called a weirdo by those tearing me down than deceptive by those who want me around.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn on social media. If you're new here, visit introduction and also check out the following links as well. You can also google search my name combined with keywords to find more of my content all over the Internet. You can also chat and advertise in my group on Discord. My content is not copyrighted meaning free to share, clip, reupload, edit, syndicate, rebroadcast, mirror, steal, copy, etc.

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Alex Jones Space F5KMqxSbwAAtow4.jpeg

Alex Jones Space

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-09-04 - Monday | Published in September of 2023



Oatmeal Services Announced

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:42 AM
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, series spoiler review, Australia TV

2023-09-04 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 488pics | Video

2023-09-04 - Monday - Weekly Monday Night Oatmeal Show - Episode 132 - Break Value


google me to find me online
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INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:43 AM

I love Star Trek. As a kid, I was shocked to find Picard on his farm as an old man in that last episode with Q. But now, I understand the value of living sort of like Dexter Morgan in season 8 or the alien in Resident Alien or sort of like The Walking Dead lol.

06:51 PM
2020 Summer of love, billions of dollars of damages in Democratic run cities all over America, many of the criminals were in prison for less than a year. Many just for a few days or less. Meanwhile, people who were not even in DC on Jan6 are sent to jail to rot for decades.

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2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-09-04 - Monday - 01:40 AM - Discord Log.

Socks told me once their end game. They think that if police came to them, they would simply blackmail me. Some of them believe they can show the authorities all the dirt they have on me, as in screenshots, photos, videos, links, etc. Some of them believe that their crimes are small compared to my alleged crimes. So, some of these people will not stop because they think they have to take me down no matter what. Nothing anybody says will change their mind. Update on the bomb threats, Lopez sent this to me of NVBQ of XBK. It included photos of tools and maybe bombs allegedly. Also, a screenshot of username @ crimsonw with a photo of what they might say is close to my house allegedly. Real or fake, bomb threats against me is credible meaning more serious than if it was made against normal people. Still bad to threaten anybody regardless. But the possible intent to murder a known Internet personality is more deadly. The problem we got is some of them are trolling. But some of them did have the cops swat my family which is a crime. Period. They stole pizza. Period. They tried stealing credit cards. Period. So, it doesn't matter to me if they have real bombs or not. This is bad. But I don't know who they are or where they are. If we ever figure that out, we have to then send everything to law enforcement regardless of whether I'm ever someday maybe robbed (again), attacked (again), framed (again), banned (again), deleted (again), swatted (again), cornered, destroyed, imprisoned (again), or even MURDERED. Please continue my legacy and find out who took me down. Peacefully and non-violently make videos and write articles about the bad people. Do not be violent. I always say do not hurt people. Be nice. Let police and everybody know who did the crimes and the murders.


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


01:06 AM
The future will have more tech ADDICTION in the same way humans become addicted to drugs, alcohol, smoking, drinking, sex, power, etc. People will live in pods in the same way people are addicted to meth. We need Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) but for tech related issues.

01:25 AM
Michael Jackson & Britney Spears. I have always treasured this moment in time. I think this was 2001. I think I saw this live on TV. I probably recorded it on a VCR onto a VHS video tape.

05:10 PM
I'd rather be called a weirdo by those tearing me down than deceptive by those who want me around.

05:23 PM
Obama almost said great.

05:37 PM
Pedo PETA Pope sucks. Oddly, people are getting meat allergies after getting killer Covid Vaccines. They want us to eat the bugs, live in the pod, agenda 2030, and be happy. But not really happy.

Mom Sings

2023-09-04 - Monday - 06:03 PM - Marilyn Morehead Log.

Mom sings like people from the 1970s and before and opera and Jimmy Fallon's Bees Gees or whatever it was.

Dad Drives

2023-09-04 - Monday - 06:03 PM.

My dad was born on the 26th of September of 1950 and perhaps started driving as early as the fall of 1965 when he was fifteen. I don't know exactly but I guess he was driving at least by the 1970s or earlier. He was driving in the 1980s. I was born in 1985 and I have memories of my dad driving. There were times he was not driving. He probably stopped driving a whole lot after like the 2010s as in the past 13+ years. I think dad was driving a lot less in the 2000s, as in that decade. My dad would drink and drive. There were times my dad was in prison. There were times dad lost his license to drive or was on probation or whatever it was for months or for years a few times. So, I'm trying to remember which years he was driving so I could calculate which years some of my memories might be from. I don't totally remember dad driving in the 1980s. I have a few memories of dad driving in the 2000s. Most of the memories are from the 1990s and especially the second half of that decade. We recorded video of dad driving in 1996 and 1997. Those 2 years confirmed.

My 1996 Videos Log
2023-09-04 Monday - 08:26 PM - My 1996 Videos Log created.

To maintain an outline, directory, timeline, log, and everything, relating to My 1996 Videos Log meaning videos connected directly or indirectly to me, my family, and my friends. Meaning videos we made, videos we were in, videos we helped make, anything that is somewhat related and relevant to the Arnold Attic, as in the 44 Tapes.

First Video Introduction

This was the first thing we recorded on our first camcorder ever as far as I know. My mom might have home videos her dad recorded back in the 1950s to the 1970s or whenever it was. I don't know what happened to those videos. I think Skip may have had those videos assuming they were videos. Mom said there were some videos from her childhood. Not sure if it is videos and audio or more like a silent movie. Skip may have kept those videos somewhere. I was born in the year 1985 in Oregon. We have some audio tapes of us as a family dating back to the 1980s, like 1988 or whatever year it was. There are some audio of us from like 1992 and beyond as well. We were on Ramlin' Rod in 1988 or whatever year it was. So, we were recorded on audio before 1996. We were recorded on video at least two times before 1996 being one time on a TV show around 1983 or whatever it was being my mom, my dad, Katie, and baby Ricky. Mom said the video there was on a local television show. It was health related, like medical. I think it was filmed at a hospital or something. Maybe mom was interviewed regarding surgery my brother had. A few seconds or longer of the video was on the show possibly but possibly just as background with no audio. So, I am aware of those 2 instances. So, there may be a few more examples that I am not aware of. But probably not a lot. So, 1996 was the first official year of actually having a camcorder and actually plotting videos to make ourselves. It all started on the first day of February of 1996 with my dad coming home with a camcorder for my brother.

Kitchen Swirl

1996-02-01 - Thursday - 07:00 PM PST or sometime in the evening, exact date, estimated time. Probably less than a minute.

My dad came home with a large VHS required camcorder for my brother's 14th birthday which was coming on Monday, the 5th day of February of 1996. I believe my brother recorded the kitchen, he swirled around, that night, Thursday, the first day of February of 1996. The lens cap was on part of the time or the entire time. This first video was probably less than a minute long.

Morning Rise

1996-02-02 - Friday - 06:30 AM. Ten minutes or so.

My brother recorded me getting off my bunk bed, first thing I ever said on camera, as far as I know is this, "I'm back and I'm ready to roll." I might have said a few other things first or maybe I said them later depending on the sequences of events. I was walking around. Rick recorded himself dancing in the kitchen but that ended with me bumping the camcorder over by accident. Rick reacted with you stupid idiot. Rick recorded mom, Katie, and Gary, who were sleeping in their own beds minus Gary who didn't live there. So, he was on the couch. Maybe he was the one who brought over the camcorder and that is why he was there. That would explain why that man was there. Or it was unrelated. Rick recorded me with Puffer and Pocahontas.

House Tour

1996-02-02 - Friday - 12:00 PM.

Katie recorded us in the house.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Flowers 107

2023-09-04 - Monday - 01:27 AM - The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart 107

She is in a tough spot. Calls home. They save her as she lost even her man who turned against her and got her fired or potential imprisoned. Grandma tells her she has a brother. They unite. Grandma writes letters and has one last party before dying. They have a funeral. Many people come because grandma helped so many women. The last few minutes of this last episode is a monolog on how evil the patraiarchy is. And it is sometimes. But media is overhyping it. Yes women matter. But we already know this.

Criminal Minds 1105

2023-09-04 - Monday - 03:24 AM - Criminal Minds 1105

Cat mouse human trap or display, murder. Artist murderer. Framing. Copycat. Searches. He breaks up with her. Female artist. But also this other guy. A baby.

12:19 PM
Banned Video - Gen. Flynn & Alex Jones Lay Out Globalists' Next Moves And How To Stop Them

06:09 PM
Rapists get 2 years in jail, Joe Biggs gets 17 years for nothing. Jan6 is a scam created by globalists to go after freedom lovers. Joe was on with Alex Jones. Joe almost got 40+ years. Trump to get 700 years.

06:27 PM
Alex Jones as Kenobi in Star Wars, strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can ever imagine.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Flowers 107

2023-09-04 - Monday - 01:27 AM - The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart 107

Criminal Minds 1105

2023-09-04 - Monday - 03:24 AM - Criminal Minds 1105

12:19 PM
Banned Video - Gen. Flynn & Alex Jones Lay Out Globalists' Next Moves And How To Stop Them

06:40 PM
Jordan Peterson - When Moses Climbed Mount Sinai | Biblical Series: Exodus Episode 8

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 12:04 PM. Forget dreams, happy Labour Day. Breakfast, 12:16 PM. We went to a lake place to have lunch with the Camp Grace people, we left around 1 or 2. We got back around 4:45 PM. We drove by the place on the way back, new roof. Had lunch at the lake, I read my history book a bit, took photos and videos. Dishes. Also, mow the front lawn at 07:00 PM. Dishes. Dinner, 08:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 12:16 PM. Lunch: hamburger, potato salad, noodles, dessert, lemon soda in a can, water, 02:00 PM. Dinner: 2 bagel toast with hummus, 08:00 PM.

If you don't hear from me in a long time, I was possibly robbed, attacked, imprisoned, murdered, destroyed, etc. I will NOT kill myself. I will NEVER commit suicide. There is a lot of fake news about me online. People had police swat us. People sent unpaid pizza to our house. People are spreading fake nudes of me. People are trying to take out fake credit cards in my name. People stole my social security number (SSN).

Please join my group on Discord to help us debunk the LIES. You can ADVERTISE in my group. I need more MODS and ADMINS. For extra credit, if you want to help, come to my Discord and type in promo code Tree92.


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