
in THE 2020s8 months ago

Pentagon Moderna Jab. Roy Boat Oatmeal Song. 100+ million murdered. Did Obama/Homeland (CISA)/NSF/100+ governmental agencies create the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) in 2017 to stop a "repeat of 2016" and what is EIP? Were they trying to replace words like propaganda/censorship with cognitive security? The intelligence agencies must be intelligent enough to listen to Scott Adams (Dilbert) because they're reframing propaganda as cognitive security. They're saying anything we say is disinformation/misinformation is cyber pollution which is very bad like their climate change scam. In New Zealand, 98% of those taking shots took the killer Pfizer Covid Vaccines? The Pentagon created the Moderna Covid Vaccines which is four times stronger than Pfizer's jab, said Alex Jones. The shots and lockdowns murdered 100+ million people. That's more than what communism/China/USSR-Russia or Hitler's Nazi Germany killed.

Sara-Jayne Terp said we don't want to censor/silence your voices online, we just want to steal your microphones as your ideas/questions is cyber pollution which Cyber Greta would say how dare you, we cannot let countering opinions go viral, please don't expose our climate scam. Like Reagan said, we're from the government, we're here to help you with these three layers of security being cyber, physical, and cognitive (MK-Ultra mind-control). Don't worry, it's for your own good/the greater good/you can't trust your own eyes and that is what we're for.

Chinese love Internet Censorship said this man from the CTIL, they know Winnie The Pooh is only trying to protect them from opinions which will brainwash them. Now, how do we get Americans to demand for censorship too he asked. That's what Cognitive Security is all about he said. Governments contract private citizens all in the name of Internet censorship which they reframe as Cognitive Security against disninformation/misinformation/hate speech; cuz it's illegal if the government does this directly but not if contractors do it, see US Navy Pablo Breuer. 02:22 PM. World Health Organization (WHO) used CTIL's DISARM to prevent people from knowing that Covid Vaccines/lockdowns MURDERED 100+ million people, they make sock puppet accounts and train influencers to spread lies/fake news/disinformation/misinformation/cognitive security propaganda.

The Pentagon ran the censorship campaign globally on the Internet against anybody questioning the killer Covid Vaccines which means the Pentagon got people murdered. Had people knew the truth, they wouldn't haven't taken the jab which led to them dying from heart attacks/etc. According to the FDA, some of the side effects (adverse events) for those who took killer Covid Vaccines include death, strokes, convulsions, seizures, pregnancy outcomes, arthritis, and more. I told you since 2019 not to get jabbed/as in a year before the plandemic lockdown. Thousands of people were murdered each month via the Covid Vaccines, whistleblowers are coming out testifying before Congress, 100+ million people died in total, some from the jab and some from starvation/famine caused by the lockdowns, when we having the Nuremberg Trials 2.0?

World War I had 7% increase in death. World War II had a 4% increase in death. Covid Vaccines/lockdowns had a 40% increase in deaths starting in 2021 to 2023. It is already at 40%. Some may not die from vaccines until some years down the road if they don't try to turn around. In 2020, there was no increase in deaths, Covid was a tweaked flu virus, it was a scam. Deaths were actually lower than it was in previous years. But Covid Vaccines/etc from 2021-2023 gave the world a 40% increase in deaths which globalists are trying to blame on other things.



Drowning Lolcow Rat Trolls

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-01 - Friday | Published in December of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:30 PM
Oh Roy Got a Boat, a singing minion tale lacking trees, written by Oatmeal, produced by garlic Roy


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Pentagon Moderna Jab

03:20 PM

The Pentagon created the Moderna Covid Vaccines which is four times stronger than Pfizer's jab, said Alex Jones. The shots and lockdowns murdered 100+ million people. That's more than what communism/China/USSR-Russia or Hitler's Nazi Germany killed.

03:26 PM
The Pentagon ran the censorship campaign globally on the Internet against anybody questioning the killer Covid Vaccines which means the Pentagon got people murdered. Had people knew the truth, they wouldn't haven't taken the jab which led to them dying from heart attacks/etc. According to the FDA, some of the side effects (adverse events) for those who took killer Covid Vaccines include death, strokes, convulsions, seizures, pregnancy outcomes, arthritis, and more. I told you since 2019 not to get jabbed/as in a year before the plandemic lockdown.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-01 - Friday - 02:45 PM - Discord Log.

My lolcow trolls love stacking lies on top of lies/1st, I didn't send nudes/2nd, Oatmeal Parody Accounts spread photoshopped nudes/3rd, sock puppet catfish alts on my Discord Server committed identity theft pretending to be 18+ female porn stars/4th, lied again saying under 18. 05:00 PM. What is Doctor Oatmeal and his goddamn guinea pigs up to today in his goddamn Discord Server? 05:43 PM. 20 masters are online right now in my goddamn Discord Server, Oatmeal and his guinea pigs reporting, who else wants to be a master and produce music videos with Golden Boy Roy Merrick? My Discord Server probably won't hit 1K members before 2024 which was the goal/but my Ra Ra Roo Roo Guinea Pig Lolcow Trolls can get my attention if we reach 10K before 2025, that's the new demand which may not apply to Oatmeal Heirs and to certain people who Bumbaloe approves. 06:04 PM. My minion guinea pig lolcow trolls can continue running my Discord Server/with Roy/which failed to become a cool place due to not meeting demands/attracting Heirs of Oatmeal/which I'm willing to return if proven otherwise/come with me as I'm going places/see blogs for more info. 06:08 PM. Alekk is right, my lolcow trolls torment anybody and everybody who hops into our Discord Server/these guinea pig trolls will even make sock puppet alt accounts making it impossible to ban all these haters like weeds in a garden/they keep coming back. 06:14 PM. Alekk?!? is correct/The Oatmeal Discord Server does suck guinea pig balls which is why I shouldn't even promote it unless and until cool people can take it over to attract new people with voice channel events, movie night, karaoke, trivia, and so on and so forth. Okay? 07:17 PM. My Discord Server sucks but what are you going to do about it, the problem is trolls are determined to destroy me and banning them will only fuel their hatred, the only thing that can counter the hate would be a mountain of guinea pigs with rainbows coming out of their Oreo baby. 08:22 PM. My Discord Server is full of feds like Roy who is paid by the government to watch me, are you not entertained, what did Original Oatmeal to get this kind of international attention? 08:35 PM. My Discord Server could have one member or a billion members, but what matters is not so much how many are there but rather what we might be able to do together as humans. My intent is to unite people together to build. Come to meet like-minded individuals who are going places. On Facebook, I have 5,000 friends and 20,000 followers. On my bed with Oreo. Purpose of my demands is sort of like the story of Gideon and his army in the Bible which went from like thousands of soldiers to like 300 men, it's a filtering process to determine who are the rightful heirs of the Original Oatmeal Empire of L4OJ Bumbaloe. 09:00 PM. All you got to do is figure out what I want & get me what I want, in return I might return the favor, all you got to do is spend billions of hours studying my work on all the websites to determine what I really want/you're also welcome to plug/advertise/network/market/debate/etc. 09:24 PM. Meet my demands/get me what I want/or be a cool person, to get my attention online/just study everything I do on all the websites. You don't even have to meet my demands/be Tim Pool/Alex Jones/Trump/Russell Brand/or whatever/then I might make you an owner or we can negotiate/etc. 10:43 PM. I'm less likely to want to upload or connect my brain to the Internet and more likely to be tempted to want to download an image file of everything inside my head, my mind/use quantum computers to attempt to read memories from my life be it audio/visual/dreams/thoughts/etc. First, I never talked to Ana. Second, Ana is probably an alt of Hoodbarber. Third, Oatmeal Parody Accounts talked to Ana. Fourth, many trolls online need help. Cue the Michael Jordan meme where MJ says stop and go get help. Too much Fake Oatmeal News for one day or lifetime even. Wanna be my cat, wanna resurrect Honey, Dumb Dumb Road Kill Puffer Poffer (Little Mermaid) Loxx Cott Catt (Power Rangers), or other legends of the Arnold Attic of the Green Original Oatmeal? Roy loves his prunes. Audrey is probably Socks12. My legless dog guinea pig Discord Server Lolcow Trolls is my Rippaverse. Moral of the story is Bob Iger or I mean Google YouTube stole my Mea Omnia Bumbaloe TRC L4OJ FGOR PDX ABC WOLBI Vietnam Kathy Bike or 10K+ videos. Covid Vaccines/lockdowns murdered 100+ million people globally these past four years from 2020-2023 and others are slowly dying these next few years. Plus, Disease X is a placeholder for coming Plandemics likely to launch in 2024 if not right now in China as even the GOP cries. 11:44 PM. It's not like I'm 1950s John Hopkins professor Curl Richter conducting a psychological experiment on my legless-dog guinea pig Discord Server Lolcow Troll-Rats where they expect to be saved from drowning/expect me to come back here often/you think I'm Tucker Carlson Rippaverse?


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Morning Show 307

2023-12-01 - Friday - 02:26 AM - The Morning Show 307

Cory's mom is mad he only comes to get stuff out of her or out of it. I disagree with her. I mean I get it. But it is the wrong perspective. This show loves baby murder and freaked out about Roe V. Wade being overturn which did not mean abortion being banned but that each state would decide. She's like mothers are going to die in childbirth because abortion was overturn, Roe v. Wade, but in reality it was taking it back to the states. Morning Show starring Jennifer Aniston. America not democracy. They want to pack the courts.

12:45 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Friday 12/1/23 • COVID VAX KILLING MILLIONS, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:02 PM
Did Obama/Homeland (CISA)/NSF/100+ governmental agencies create the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) in 2017 to stop a "repeat of 2016" and what is EIP? Were they trying to replace words like propaganda/censorship with cognitive security?

01:09 PM
The intelligence agencies must be intelligent enough to listen to Scott Adams (Dilbert) because they're reframing propaganda as cognitive security. They're saying anything we say is disinformation/misinformation is cyber pollution which is very bad like their climate change scam. Sara-Jayne Terp said we don't want to censor/silence your voices online, we just want to steal your microphones as your ideas/questions is cyber pollution which Cyber Greta would say how dare you, we cannot let countering opinions go viral, please don't expose our climate scam. 02:03 PM. Like Reagan said, we're from the government, we're here to help you with these three layers of security being cyber, physical, and cognitive (MK-Ultra mind-control). Don't worry, it's for your own good/the greater good/you can't trust your own eyes and that is what we're for. Chinese love Internet Censorship said this man from the CTIL, they know Winnie The Pooh is only trying to protect them from opinions which will brainwash them. Now, how do we get Americans to demand for censorship too he asked. That's what Cognitive Security is all about he said. 02:14 PM. Governments contract private citizens all in the name of Internet censorship which they reframe as Cognitive Security against disninformation/misinformation/hate speech; cuz it's illegal if the government does this directly but not if contractors do it, see US Navy Pablo Breuer.

03:16 PM
In New Zealand, 98% of those taking shots took the killer Pfizer Covid Vaccines?

03:41 PM
Thousands of people were murdered each month via the Covid Vaccines, whistleblowers are coming out testifying before Congress, 100+ million people died in total, some from the jab and some from starvation/famine caused by the lockdowns, when we having the Nuremberg Trials 2.0?

03:46 PM
World War I had 7% increase in death.

World War II had a 4% increase in death.

Covid Vaccines/lockdowns had a 40% increase in deaths starting in 2021 to 2023.

It is already at 40%.

Some may not die from vaccines until some years down the road if they don't try to turn around.

03:51 PM
In 2020, there was no increase in deaths, Covid was a tweaked flu virus, it was a scam. Deaths were actually lower than it was in previous years. But Covid Vaccines/etc from 2021-2023 gave the world a 40% increase in deaths which globalists are trying to blame on other things. 03:55 PM. Truth about the millions dying from Covid Vaccines/lockdown-famines was hidden in plain sight underneath noses, whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork, this is worse than the Holocaust as it affects billions of humans globally. For more info watch Alex Jones/Banned.Video. 04:01 PM. The Army in Florida was running it, they were bombing our own troops with the killer Covid Vaccines, the death injections. Officers got a fake jab but the enlisted soldiers got deadly shots. They want America to have no army at all. Pentagon killing their own people and army. 04:32 PM. 976% increase in heart failure due to killer Covid Vaccines, more and more whistleblowers are coming out exposing the soft-kill weapons which we call life-saving jabs meaning what we call things are often the opposite of what they really are. Macaulay Culkin. Hollywood promoted. 04:41 PM. Trust me and my big fat sexy smile, don't trust anybody else, go to my website where we tell you Covid Vaccines and lockdown famines are not murdering over one hundred million people globally, no way, trust me baby. 04:45 PM. Disease X is here, do what they tell you like last time, they really want to scam the world again like they did in 2020 with Covid Lockdowns and the jab/This time around in 2024, it will likely be several different diseases and other things in order to overwhelm you into obeying. 04:47 PM. William Shatner is the New Greta, how dare you, do what we say or else bad things will happen. Actually, bad things will happen if we fall for these non-Nigerian Prince Email Scams. Alex Jones reporting. When people got Covid Vaccines, these other people would be paid money, they were incentivized to scam the world, they were bribed, hush money. Covid Vaccines whistleblower, he was looking at the databases noticing how people were magically dying after getting jabbed, they were hoping he would not look at the numbers and now they say he is a liar. 05:09 PM. The Covid Vaccines whistleblower was a New Zealand database administrator who had access to the numbers of those who died after getting jabbed. As soon as he came out, they fired him and said he's a liar even as he was the admin of the databases. New Zealand started seeing more deaths than every before in their history thanks to the Covid Vaccines.

05:20 PM
Timcast IRL - GOP Demands TRAVEL LOCKDOWN Over China Disease Fears ft/Dicky Barrett & The Defiant

05:23 PM
Covid Scam is back. White Lung appears to be like ammonia but possibly worse. I'm not getting vaccines. I'm against lockdowns.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Morning Show 307

2023-12-01 - Friday - 02:26 AM - The Morning Show 307

12:19 PM
Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24

12:45 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Friday 12/1/23 • COVID VAX KILLING MILLIONS, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:20 PM
Timcast IRL - GOP Demands TRAVEL LOCKDOWN Over China Disease Fears ft/Dicky Barrett & The Defiant

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 10:00 AM. Back to sleep to like 11. Compost and dirt. Karen's hat a little bigger than, the beanie she got me for Thanksgiving, but a good green color, she sews or knits or whatever it is called and it herself. It is possible warm or pretty warm. Log out to log in on Gmail I told mom for Chrome. Don't just try to log in as it might take you to whichever account is open on the web browser. I got her to a login screen via Firefox. We can deal with Chrome later or Larry uses Chrome and mom uses Firefox. I did the dishes for like an hour. Mom talked about his left foot and treating it with tree oil and or whatever it was. Also socks. He soaked his foot last night and was acting bitchy. Losing his temper as he does. He had leg feet issues like a decade ago when mom was marrying him and or before that. And he got better from all that in the early 2010s or whenever it was as his previous wife died. Breakfast, 12:18 PM. Larry overcame heroine decades ago. Pride. Anger. People let him down. People didn't try their best. Feeling there is only one way or the best way to do something. Mom said he is becoming aware of his anger issues more and more past few years perhaps. More dishes. Open jar, dumped soup or whatever it was contents into dirt outside. Back to eating, 01:36 PM. Dishes again a little. Orange peels into dirt. Sweep. Lunch, 03:09 PM. Nap around 06:30 PM to 07:00 PM. Dinner, 07:10 PM. Dishes around 07:45 PM to 08:10 PM. Evening pills after that which I usally take before dinner around 4 or 5 each day.Food log: grapes around 11, Breakfast: coffee, orange, Orange, 01:36 PM. Lunch: spaghetti soup stuff from yesterday on purple potatoes, 03:09 PM. Dinner: more of the lunch, 07:10 PM. Food log: grapes around 11, Breakfast: coffee, orange, Orange, 01:36 PM. Lunch: spaghetti soup stuff from yesterday on purple potatoes, 03:09 PM. Dinner: more of the lunch, 07:10 PM. ChinhPham0298: Son Class 0138: 2023-12-01 - Friday - 09:30 PM. 1. Atmosphere means the environment of the sky, it means what is in the air and sky, it includes gas, pollution, and everything in the sky. He asked me questions about me. Jobs. How many countries I went to. Egg nog.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.