
in THE 2020s8 months ago

Bet ya $1M I won't post in my Discord Server again before 2024. We don't get sued by traffickers. Over half of the views is fake on social media as in bots are looking at your content like web crawlers, most of the impressions be it on TikTok/YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/SnapChat/etc. Elon Musk's Twitter X however has a lot less fake views which makes Twitter more valuable.

To all my Lolcow Trolls, please stop posting fake news about me like this in my Discord Server. I didn't write that. There are over a dozen fake oatmeal parody accounts who pretend to be me so they can screenshot each other and pretend I said it when they really I didn't say it. My illegals/Discord Server sock puppet parody lolcow troll alt accounts love pretending to be me which they are/you gotta know I didn't write it/probably JoeyArnoldCali who wrote defamation scam/you wouldn't believe my alts are gone/I'm pulling your legs with fake Oatmeal news. Ida said stop buying anything/you should rent phones, fridges, washing machines. Many people pay five times the price you would spend buying something. Instead of buying houses/cars for thousands, you end up spending a lot more for a lot less. Debt is deadly. Rent is a scam.

I'm not Peter Griffin but a warning to my lolcow trolls, stop posting fake news about me in my Discord Server, I'm gonna have to screenshot every lie and debunk them on Elon Musk's Twitter X, go fuck yourself with Disney, WEF, Obama, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and more. Those who hate my guts end up polluting my Discord Server with fake news/they keep coming back like weeds no matter how many times I ban them/this phenomenon scares away new people who are not lolcow troll freaks demented with an obsession with destruction which is all they know.

My lolcow trolls loves having sex with Fauci of the CDC. These numbers is fake news. Anybody who wants to know the truth can watch Alex Jones on Banned Video. My lolcow trolls are broken records stuck in a time loop where they will not research anything/they go on talking points which they think is true. They have no idea they are wrong/they think I'm wrong because their cult has their mind in MK-Ultra like Roseanne said to Bill Maher. Super Tough Tape is stronger than duct tape and is reusable with micro fibers mimicking a gecko's sticky feet which also is used multiple times.

Join my Discord Server if you wanna make fun of me with my Lolcow Trolls/if you wanna spread Fake Oatmeal News/if you wanna join criminals who stalk me/most of the 400+ members there spend all day mocking me/my intention was to discover fans/heirs but I've failed/join the party.



Bet ya $1M I won't post in my Discord Server again before 2024

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-04 - Monday | Published in December of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

2023-12-04 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 750pics | Video

2023-12-04 - Monday - Weekly Monday Night Oatmeal Show - Episode 145 - Million Dollar Bet


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

02:47 AM

Home Alone 3 was more a parody and he was not alone, he had a bird.

04:12 AM
My lolcow trolls loves having sex with Fauci of the CDC. These numbers is fake news. Anybody who wants to know the truth can watch Alex Jones on Banned Video. My lolcow trolls are broken records stuck in a time loop where they will not research anything/they go on talking points which they think is true. They have no idea they are wrong/they think I'm wrong because their cult has their mind in MK-Ultra like Roseanne said to Bill Maher.

11:20 AM
Super Tough Tape is stronger than duct tape and is reusable with micro fibers mimicking a gecko's sticky feet which also is used multiple times.

02:47 PM
Frasier's Kelsey Grammer is voting Trump 2024.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-04 - Monday - 03:06 AM - Discord Log.

Fake Oatmeal News: you can find screenshots of my Discord Server parody lolcow troll accounts who try to convince you they're me/top parodies will become owners/bet you can't last 5 seconds in my server cuz trolls will scare you away like it's Home Alone 3 with talking parrots. 03:10 AM. Here is a meme Roy made about me/my trolls will have you think I made this/my trolls only win because you're too lazy to investigate the truth of the matter of what really happened which my lolcow trolls won't tell you. I would if I wasn't me meaning I wouldn't cuz I'm me & I wouldn't but would if I wasn't me, my lolcow trolls are having a lolcow cow cuz they can't stand the fact I troll them with incomplete statements designed to be taken out of context cuz they wouldn't have been either way. My illegals/Discord Server sock puppet parody lolcow troll alt accounts love pretending to be me which they are/you gotta know I didn't write it/probably JoeyArnoldCali who wrote defamation scam/you wouldn't believe my alts are gone/I'm pulling your legs with fake Oatmeal news. Internet Historians refuse to step inside my Oatmeal Discord Server cuz my lolcow trolls are freaks/Home Alone 3 would lose to these alts of mine who are not mine/stay away from my Discord Server because the fake news about me will be the scariest horror film ever/my trolls won. To all my Lolcow Trolls, please stop posting fake news about me like this in my Discord Server. I didn't write that. There are over a dozen fake oatmeal parody accounts who pretend to be me so they can screenshot each other and pretend I said it when they really I didn't say it. I'm not Peter Griffin but a warning to my lolcow trolls, stop posting fake news about me in my Discord Server, I'm gonna have to screenshot every lie and debunk them on Elon Musk's Twitter X, go fuck yourself with Disney, WEF, Obama, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and more. Those who hate my guts end up polluting my Discord Server with fake news/they keep coming back like weeds no matter how many times I ban them/this phenomenon scares away new people who are not lolcow troll freaks demented with an obsession with destruction which is all they know. My demon lolcow trolls will ask me what the context was despite knowing more of the story is out there for those interested in knowing. Here is more proof my trolls are surface level incapable of real research/my trolls can only react/my trolls cannot actually dig deep into knowing real truth about what is actually happening because they refuse to wake up and smell the oatmeal coffee. My Discord Server lolcow trolls are jealous/scared of Original Oatmeal/the X-Files truth is out there/my alts cannot stand that I'm unstoppable on my Vietnam Kathy Bike riding the Tiffany Cumbo Joystick Dolphins of Bumbaloe Sharon Clayton Blake Webb. 11:38 AM. Thank the Oatmeal Gods you're not in my goddamn Discord Server which is infested with my Spamming Fake News Non-Alt Lolcow Demon Trolls who'll never find out what I did to 161 Karla Villa down the road/Koelbl/Bishop/Frye/Hawk/Clayton/Cumbo. My lolcow trolls don't know I'm in the Chrissie Mayr Simpcast intro, you ever wonder why a clip of me is included on that weekly YouTube podcast, the answer is my trolls are unable to think at all, case closed. My trolls don't even know math. Some of my Lolcow Trolling Oatmeal Parody Accounts are stuck in the Arnold Attic ghetto hood just like I was homie thugs missing the jugs of hugs lost in them bugs on rugs with the black rappers and gangstas in yo trailer parks on goddamn Discord baby. This makes me want to demote Roy Merrick who is accusing me of conflation which in reality my lolcow trolls conflate me. I'm not sure why Roy slanders and lies about me like this. What does Roy get out of deception? Who is Roy working for or sarcasm? 12:34 PM. I'm boycotting Roy who refuses to give specific enough examples of me conflating/Roy might be a leftist who believes CNN Fake News even as Roy calls me a parrot which is the irony of it/since maybe 2019, Roy would play me like this/but why? Roy needs help as he refuses to spell out how I conflate/Roy loves talking in code which only I can do that or some people can within certain situations where it works/Roy is too anonymous to be talking cryptically as it lacks a translation base. I'm boycotting Roy like I did masks/vaccines until Roy can give specific examples of how I conflate/I'm also boycotting my Lolcow Trolls in my Discord Server for other reasons/y'all think I'll be back in five minutes/y'all wrong yo. My Discord Server is The Walking Dead/I'm Rick Grimes/zombies blew me off that bridge/my body was flown away in a helicopter. Send me hard drives if you want me to end my boycotts, perhaps I might if they're good enough.

01:16 PM
Roy, what do I conflate? 02:00 PM. Hard drives should be a currency, let's trade in SSD and HDD and NVMe, my alt, Ian Oat Box, is right about, we gotta stop using USD for sure. 02:05 PM. Fish loves to link to fake news websites like Reuters, Snopes, and Politifact. Only weirdos will look at these propaganda factories who are the parrots that Roy accuses me of being. Roy loves conflating while accusing me of conflating, Roy loves to say Fish talks in code. But Fish simply linked to fake news websites who are known liars of BS. Roy however does talk in code a lot. Brian the football head. I promoted Lansey @ thugboria to Masters in purple in my Discord Server. 02:15 PM. It seems even Roy is falling for the fake news, he thinks he is so smart. Send me enough hard drives, I might come back if they're good enough. Send me laptops. Send me stuff I need. If I think they're good enough and big enough, then I might return the favor someday/no promises. Top Oatmeal Parody Accounts will become owners of my Discord Server/send me enough hard drives or other items/get me ten thousand more members before 2025 or else/demands are mostly for my Lolcow Trolls/alts/but some of this can be negotiated as we are scouting for Oatmeal Heirs. My Discord Server is full of Lolcow Trolls demented with fake news/spam/scam/I'm willing to return if it's worth it thus the reasoning behind my demands/otherwise my time is better served recruiting Heirs of the Oatmeal who will inherit everything I got someday/Hunger Games time. Part of the problem around July of 2023 was I didn't fully know how to run voice channels in my Discord Server as Ian played Monty Python/Lolcow Trolls weren't even letting me talk/channels weren't setup correctly/couldn't mute em/they weren't talking entire time/Encino Man good. I'm ok with my Lolcow Trolls being not on the same page I'm on in my Discord Server as it's within their nature to be out there for their own interests which is welcomed even as it counters priorities within the path I'm taking in my own life/prayer is for my heirs to take over. I'm interested in rewarding those who help me arrest/demote/bring down Roy/others/show me evidence suggesting Roy is only here to destroy me/this offer is open for others/I'm willing to punish/reward anybody/everybody who might deserve it/just let us know what is going down/proof. Join my Discord Server if you wanna make fun of me with my Lolcow Trolls/if you wanna spread Fake Oatmeal News/if you wanna join criminals who stalk me/most of the 400+ members there spend all day mocking me/my intention was to discover fans/heirs but I've failed/join the party. Anybody can ask for embed role/permission in my Discord server/cool people win/show us who you are/what you do/work/resume/CV/portfolio/content/websites/videos/podcasts/social media/history/contacts/make Oatmeal parodies/best of the best will become owners of my Discord Server. 05:18 PM. They're not hamsters, they're guinea pigs. Also, had many mice I stuck up in a tree, they froze to death in towels in buckets and some even fell off the tree, one like possibly hybrid rat made it back into our ghetto trailer of the goddamn Arnold Attic of Billy Madison Breaker. Ian had rodents like me. We're twins. Actually, he is just my alt, don't tell anybody on my Discord Server about this, only you can see this, thank you. Roy should star in GTA 6. My Discord Server is full of Lolcow Trolls who mock children who are getting trafficked in America, don't visit my server as it's full of people like Fish Man who are monsters, literal demons who probably work at pizza places with Hillary Clinton and Epstein. 05:30 PM. A clip of me was on Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast, you know my Lolcow Trolls could easily go after them for giving me a platform, all you got to do is spam them with Fake Oatmeal News, I'm surprised my trolls aren't going after Mayr like they do Ian. But to be clear, don't spam them. 06:03 PM. Come to my Discord Server if you want to bully and make fun of me with my Lolcow Trolls, let's not dive into the Dead Internet Theory, let's continue spreading Fake Oatmeal News as nobody cares either way it would seem, let's not dig deep into the mysteries of the Bumbaloe GYJO. 08:51 PM. In a real court of law, Fish would need to show evidence of what I did to Tiffany Cumbo. 08:56 PM. Fish is one of my biggest trolls, he's the definition and personification of how the Dinosaur Media works, he loves taking everything out of context, Fish is almost as clueless as Bill Maher who didn't know anything about MK-Ultra and WEF. Unlike Hollywood/Disney/Epstein, I don't traffick children/I've spoken against actual crimes/but my Lolcow Trolls will try to spin it as I talk to whoever talks to me/I'm not targeting kids unlike people in government/Vatican/King Charles who engage in minor molesting/rape/murder. My Discord Server is wearing masks maybe not literally but is full of people who hates me fueled by fake news defamation disinformation misinformation allegation accusation out of context and everything else about me, I've been unable to attract many real fans/drowning deception. People in my Discord Server had police swat me. Some of them think I did bad things in real life, actual crimes. So, they try to get me arrested. They want me back in prison. I was once in jail in 2012 over Robin Baker Fake News which Flopper is tricked by/my trolls had me doxed. Trolls like Lia @ irlchia enjoys lying about me by saying everybody knows what I did. However, I didn't actually do anything. That's fake news. The trolls are like zombies after my brain. I know the truth but many people don't. If they can lie about me, they can lie about you. This is an illustration of how easy it is for trolls to trick people into believing lies about other people be it me or anybody, people will choose out of blind magical faith to believe in anonymous accounts posting screenshots of things posted by Oatmeal Parody accounts. 09:20 PM. Here's the disconnect, on one hand people like Lia will believe Oatmeal Fake News spread by people like Fish/yet on the other hand Lia will watch as Fish lie by saying Lia is on a sex offender registry. If Fish is gonna lie about Lia, is it possible Fish might also lie about me? I'm against pedos too. But my trolls will say I'm a pedo even as I've made my position clear through what I say and do since the 1990s as in the past four decades I've made it clear as a public person multiple times on all of the goddamn websites and we all know this is true. This is an example of the broken Fish Logic, on one hand he'll say people can make up things/yet on the other hand refuse to admit that I literally lied a few times to make a point that my trolls will believe my lies if they want to/and yet choose to reject my other words too. Summer of 2023, I promoted on Discord and everywhere else Sound of Freedom which is a movie about a man saving children from sex trafficking as I'm against child grooming and I worked with churches/camps to help kids for their future. Fake news, I don't know how old people are. Many people lie in both directions. Anonymous catfish accounts. One example I gave was the fake accounts on Discord who pretended to be 18+ porn stars. They DM me and I said take it off. Then they said they're under 18/but they neither. Fish called Lia a big sister which might mean Lia is older. Lia might have said she is like 20. Does that mean Fish is younger than 20? I want you to know the lies told about me can happen to you too, it's crazy how gullible people are, they refuse to go beyond surface level on anything. They choose to believe whatever they want. They refuse to do actual homework/research. If you study my comedian work you'll see I've engaged in sarcasm/satire/hyperbole/irony/insanity/contrast/abstraction/deception/lies/fake news/plus there are parody accounts pretending to be me meaning screenshots cannot tell the entire story/gotta ask yourself what was behind it.

If only Heirs of Oatmeal could outweigh the Haters of Oatmeal/either way the initials for both is H.O./I'll consider returning to my Discord Server if we can have more defending me than lie about me/don't even have to be fans/my Lolcow Trolls/parodies/alts took over/bye forever!!

10:27 PM
How much money do you want to bet? Truth of the matter is you're a liar about everything. You'll probably forget about bets. You'll lie about the details like you lied about Lia being on a registry. People like you are addicted to deception. Even if I never came back to Discord for years, people like you wouldn't admit that I was gone. You truly think I'll be back in a day or two. If enough of my demands are met, then I might be back at any time. But assuming they won't, only a few exceptions to the rule will see me back here occasionally. I should put Fish in my books I'm writing. Put that on my to-do list. I talk about Fish because Fish is an example of how easy it is for people to lie about other people. I've allowed my life to illustrate what happens not only to me but to many people. That's part of what I'm doing here. You'll have to see my blogs/videos/Twitter/etc for more info on what I'm saying here and a whole lot more. Fish will not give me any money because Fish is not a man of his word. Fish is a scam artist. A literal demon. The end. Goodbye forever. 10:44 PM. I need websites outlining the fake news people tell about me with my side of the story to debunk the deception and lies, I got to organize it and integrate it with my autobiography which will help you see what kind of person I have been during the course of my life so you decide. 10:55 PM. This was me lying in 2022, Fish Man Brony is pissed that I trolled him by saying ok when asked if I'm a pedo which I'm not but people have lied saying I was since 2013 or maybe longer, I decided just to troll my own Lolcow Trolls as I was in a no-win situation in that they lie. In legal terms, people are declared not guilty which may not be the same as being innocent in a court of law, not sure if Segu is trolling/sarcastic or what/but I've been posting details to every single year of my life going back to my birth in Oregon in the year 1985/transparent. I feel like I'm almost to the point where I don't want to spend too much time interacting with anonymous accounts outside of like YouTube live-streams and I'm saying regardless of whether or not it's anonymous buddy trolls or haters or alleged fans/seems like a lot of deception. 11:23 PM. Often times people will accuse you of what they are guilty of, when you point your finger at somebody, there are three fingers point back at you. I bet each of my Lolcow Trolls including Fish Man Brony a million dollars that I won't be sending messages and pinging everybody in my Discord Server until 2024, either that or pay me $10K USD each month for the next thousand years period, I know none of you will pay me money.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Gilded Age 205

2023-12-04 - Monday - 02:49 AM - The Gilded Age 205

Black girl kisses the black guy in the barn after guys tried killing them down south. That was scary but cool. The biggest thing is this episode ended with the marriage between the sister and the pastor.

The Buccaneers 105

2023-12-04 - Monday - 04:01 AM - The Buccaneers 105

The lesbian story plot. The maze was fun. She found out about the poker game. Guy treats a girl badly who he also had strip naked in a previous episode. Girl kisses the guy. But then fiance kisses her. So black Aladdin pours water on the fire. Girl tired of pretending to not be gay.

01:11 PM
The Man Show w/ Joe Rogan & Doug Stanhope - Full Episode 6

01:09 PM
After Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla, did you know Joe Rogan hosted The Man Show?

01:20 PM
The Man Show S01E08

01:23 PM
Truly intriguing how Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel hosted The Man Show and then went their separate ways down different paths politically.

01:30 PM
The Man Show premiered in 1999 and the thing that caught my attention as a teenage boy was how that show would end each episode with women jumping on trampolines.

02:19 PM
Roy is right he's missing points/context/there is a lot Roy leaves out/Alex Jones talked about cable boxes having mics in the 1990s/TiVo could remotely delete videos out of devices/now NetFlix/Sony Playstation/etc talking about deleting/stealing movies/shows you bought/blockchain.

02:32 PM
Ida said stop buying anything/you should rent phones, fridges, washing machines. Many people pay five times the price you would spend buying something. Instead of buying houses/cars for thousands, you end up spending a lot more for a lot less. Debt is deadly. Rent is a scam.

03:22 PM
Over 400K+ children came from mostly through Mexico into America for sex trafficking/government and others are raping kids with your tax dollars, Tara Rodas explains to Alex Jones

03:29 PM
U.S. government stole billions of dollars from Americans so officials/staff can have sex with children/rape/trafficking/they demand kids working at McDonald's who stole my Vietnam Kathy Bike/Phone. She said to her, "We don't get sued by traffickers." Actual quote. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) knows they have a problem as whistleblowers come out Tara Rodas explains on Alex Jones, 400K+ children in America sex trafficked/raped/some murdered or worse.

Please go to

05:08 PM
Timcast IRL - Woke Journalist LIVID After Threads CENSORS Them, Elon Proven Right w/Kingsley Wilson

05:43 PM
Over half of the views is fake on social media as in bots are looking at your content like web crawlers, most of the impressions be it on TikTok/YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/SnapChat/etc. Elon Musk's Twitter X however has a lot less fake views which makes Twitter more valuable. Ian is acting like a communist on Timcast. Who decides what is a disaster, do we trust government in regulating the free market? If there is a drought, why not let people sell water for a profit to save them? Anything can be a disaster.

09:54 PM
SimpCast LIVE from Tampa Florida! Chrissie Mayr, Keanu Thompson, Ashton Birdie!

10:40 PM
Ashton blocked me on Twitter.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:32 AM
JRE Pod - Joe Rogan - First wrestling match - with Dwayne Johnson

The Gilded Age 205

2023-12-04 - Monday - 02:49 AM - The Gilded Age 205

The Buccaneers 105

2023-12-04 - Monday - 04:01 AM - The Buccaneers 105

11:11 AM
Mike Tyson | Club Random With Bill Maher

11:52 AM
Piers Morgan | Club Random w/ Bill Maher

12:50 PM
Jimmy Kimmel | Club Random with Bill Maher

01:11 PM
The Man Show w/ Joe Rogan & Doug Stanhope - Full Episode 6

01:20 PM
The Man Show S01E08

01:31 PM
Adam Carolla's 50th Appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live

01:38 PM
Adam Carolla | Club Random with Bill Maher

01:39 PM
William Shatner | Club Random With Bill Maher

01:50 PM

01:57 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Monday 12/4/23 Globalists Crack Down on Heroes for Exposing COVID Jab Death Count

03:22 PM
Over 400K+ children came from mostly through Mexico into America for sex trafficking/government and others are raping kids with your tax dollars, Tara Rodas explains to Alex Jones

05:08 PM
Timcast IRL - Woke Journalist LIVID After Threads CENSORS Them, Elon Proven Right w/Kingsley Wilson

09:54 PM
SimpCast LIVE from Tampa Florida! Chrissie Mayr, Keanu Thompson, Ashton Birdie!

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 10:40 AM. Angelina Jolie's butt is on my mind. But I don't own it. Should move on. Cloudy, was wet. Grabbed a dozens of toilet paper rolls from big garage to 2 boxes, finished up the last of that one big box out there and there are 2 more big boxes left out there. One box into closet hallway and the other into front garage. Mom said she wanted the big garage outside empty in case she needs it. Breakfast, 11 AM. Like the past week, today mom is watching that show with the redhead who reminds me of Chrissie Mayr. Hallmark Show which has Rebekah from Full House. Miners. I saw a few episodes a while back. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Dishes, compost, mail, things came in for the cooker, other mail, raining outside, mom was canning cranberries to make jam or whatever, so was cleaning up the caner, the cans, started around 03:30 PM to 5. Dinner, 05:11 PM. Nap around 6 to like 8, nap for an hour or longer. Dishes to 08:40 PM, Larry was on the phone during that time probably with his daughter. I mean on his side of the family, I forget how many kids he had including daughters. They might be coming here this month. They talked about how many illegals come into America. Boat near Seattle thing. Larry got up to get blueberry pie and ice-cream and wondered if I wanted some. Mom did not want me to have any. Fish, 08:43 PM. Food log: Breakfast: a homemade like potato fry from the new cooker we got Saturday, 11 AM. Coffee, 11:10 AM, orange, 01:50 PM. Lunch: rice beans broccoli meat etc soup, 02:53 PM. Dinner: more of the lunch soup, 05:11 PM. Salmon fish, 08:43 PM. Blueberry pie with vanilla ice-cream, 09:54 PM.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.