
in THE 2020s6 months ago

DMV. Drop pumpkins off bridges, make your own memories, be your own person, get along with people, document it when you can, take them photos, take the time to remember things that matter most as you will forget them, get along with people when you can, be patient, let people mock you sometimes and know when it is time to defend those you care about the most when you need to.

DMV. Hiking. Bridge. Forest. Restaurant. Elk. Water. Driving. Watched: DDay Cobra Cast 199 - President Trump LIVE in Pennsylvania, THIRD ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP??! FBI Foils Plot, Arrests Assassin | Timcast News, PBD - “Rocket Fuel For FOX” - How Bill Clinton’s Sex Scandal IGNITED Bill O’Reilly’s Career & FOX News, Joe Rogan - Discussing Fears of Post Election Chaos and Government Oversight with Kat Timpf, Trump - LIVE: President Trump in Savannah, GA, Alex Stein - Alex Jones Reveals EVERYTHING To The Pimp On A Blimp! | Ep 237


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Alex Jones on Alex Stein

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-09-24 - Tuesday | Published in September of 2024


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


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Discord Drama

2024-09-24 - Tuesday - 10:01 AM - Discord Log

I told the @ GODS to promote demote each member as in every single member but how is that even possible to be promoted and demoted at the same time, that is a paradox, do people not understand my orders were contradictions? People who do not understand my contradictions are too dumb to be admins or higher. @ GODS should demote @ toasty0682 and anybody who says they were demoted for no reason because there are always reasons, people who do not understand this are too dumb or bad to be admins or higher. @ GODS why is Midas @ forks123 a god if this account has a toe fetish? @ GODS should demote @ fujiitive for refusing to check what the 100 pings are, I think that is pathetic to not know what the pings are. Can people be gods if they have foot fetishes? Probably over 99.99999999999999% of the 52 @ GODS probably don't know they are @ GODS, do role call and demote all of the @ GODS right now or else, why not? I am saying 0+1=1, promotion, and 1-1=0, demotion, meaning when I say promote demote, I am saying nothing, anybody who understood philosophy would understand this and everyone else should be demoted. Darth Loner @ kwadd. should demote @ saturn111111 for having a SMALL BRAIN. The dumber the person, the lower the role.

08:43 PM
Please tell all of the @ GODS to demote all of the @GODS to @ Welders.

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My Adventure in Vietnam

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Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:42 AM
DDay Cobra Cast 199 - President Trump LIVE in Pennsylvania

08:08 AM
THIRD ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP??! FBI Foils Plot, Arrests Assassin | Timcast News

09:46 AM
PBD - “Rocket Fuel For FOX” - How Bill Clinton’s Sex Scandal IGNITED Bill O’Reilly’s Career & FOX News

10:25 AM
Joe Rogan - Discussing Fears of Post Election Chaos and Government Oversight with Kat Timpf

10:57 AM
Trump - LIVE: President Trump in Savannah, GA

11:09 AM
Alex Stein - Alex Jones Reveals EVERYTHING To The Pimp On A Blimp! | Ep 237

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to myOatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed like 02:40 AM or earlier. I got up at 07:50 AM. Breakfast: 08:09 AM. 08:45 AM DMV. Drove home. Lunch: 09:48 AM. Rick drove me, mom, and Maria. We went to this tall bridge over a creek in the woods in the mountains towards like a national forest and Hoods Sport and canal. We hiked. Photos. Videos. We saw trucks. Construction. Traffic. One way gravel roads. People dropped pumpkins off bridges. We recorded that. We almost got stuck down a small gravel road. We turned around. We made it to another hiking spot in the forest with a portal potty just in time. Me and Rick did a hike up one trail up a hill and around. Rick told me to learn how to listen and was trying to teach me how to read maps which I already knew how to do but he tried to make it sound like I didn't as he thinks I can't know certain things if I do not drive. We later made it to Hoods Sports. I took a photo by a photo of Smokey the Bear on a sign. We made it to a Halfway House restaurant. Dinner: 05:00 PM. The waiter sat down to talk to Rick to talk about how she was there or something with like her husband. She was probably in her seventies. We stopped at another spot. Mom stayed in the car while we walked to the fort and the water. Talked to an older couple, the older guy reminded me of the father I met in South Carolina in 2006. We left around like 06:00 PM. Over the bridge at another stop was like a dozen elk or deer or moose. Other people said elk. So that spot was closed. But we got close enough to take photos. We were home after like 07:00 PM. I was organizing in the big garage putting things on the two new black plastic shelves. Talk with Rick. Many good conversations all day, all of us. Maria took me out driving but she wanted me to drive in a certain way which I disagreed with. I was to bed around 11:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: orange, 08:09 AM. Lunch: green beans chicken beans tomatoes soup, 09:48 AM. Dinner: Biggy Burger with fries, delicious, 05:00 PM.