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RE: 2021-01-23

in THE 2020s3 years ago

No. Trump will probably be killed, I will probably be killed, many bad things are happening right now, you have no idea how bad assuming Trump is not President either currently or in the next 4 months, assuming Trump is not or won't be the real President of the original Republic of the united states before July of 2021. Weird that Trump bought a building a long time ago in Florida, a building which some call a second White House or a previous one and it oddly has 2 bomb shelters.


No. Trump will probably be killed, I will probably be killed, many bad things are happening right now, you have no idea how bad assuming Trump is not President either currently or in the next 4 months, assuming Trump is not or won't be the real President of the original Republic of the united states before July of 2021.

How does someone benefit from murdering Trump?
Why does someone kill my good and innocent friend @joeyarnoldvn ?

 3 years ago  

Globalists try to kill Trump for the same reasons they murdered President Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy. They almost killed President Reagan. They didn't have to kill President George Bush Jr. Globalists probably killed Michael Jackson who was uniting people around the world which minimizes racism and other problems. Globalists try very hard to control the world. If you stand in their way, they try to get rid of you. They want all the power. It doesn't matter if it is Trump or me or you. For example, the Game Stop Robin Hood Story happening right now is a big example of all of this.

Globalists try to kill Trump for the same reasons they murdered President Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy.

@joeyarnoldvn , Your claim is truly amazing! Koreans believe that the owners of the US military industry killed President Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.
What are Globalists? I've never heard of the name Globalists.

Didn't Michael Jackson die of a heart attack?

 3 years ago  

Michael Jackson probably died of a heart attack or maybe other things too. I don't know who killed Lincoln and Kennedy. Maybe Koreans are right about who killed them. Different people probably helped in the killing of these two Presidents. Globalists are people who want one world government, as in one country and not many countries. That means no more Korea. Some people try to control all the countries.