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RE: 2021-03-06

in THE 2020s3 years ago (edited)

If you're asking me about the most recent battle I had, things appear ok at the moment on this @joeyarnoldvn Hive Blog account of mine.

A quick recap, I joined Steemit in 2017 and Hive Blog is a fork or child of Steemit. Sometimes, I may get flagged or downvoted. I sometimes create posts and comments talking about that.

If you're asking me about that, I am currently not seeing any downvotes from accounts. I talked about it. I wrote a few articles about it. I have a few accounts and this is my main account. If your question is more specific than this or if it is about how I may not have access to the master password key or to the seed for this account and I possibly either lost some of my passwords or possibly never had some of them to begin with back in 2017. Hard to say exactly. Please let me know if I didn't totally answer your question.