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RE: 2021-03-06

in THE 2020s3 years ago

I was homeschooled but then had the desire to attend school when I was 15. But that almost didn't happen as that was in Oregon in 2000, a year ofter the Columbine school shooting. There were times I was thinking that high schools may be dangerous if kids were to go there with guns. So, there were times I was feeling like I would never want to take that risk. But I ended up going. I think I forgot about my fears of guns. When I started going to public school for the first time, I was not thinking about guns like 99% of the time for my first year in high school and maybe through to the Senior year. But I don't specifically recall any memories of thinking about guns during my Freshman year in high school. I think I do have memories of thinking about public school probably a year or so before going to public high school. Looking back at my life, my best guess is my fears of guns disappeared eventually and that led to me to attending public schooling and the rest is history.