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RE: 2021-03-14

in THE 2020s3 years ago

Good question. Maybe he is. I am not sure. Biden is not a woman I don't think. But in homosexuality, maybe a female role or a puppet. Wow, didn't know it could be so funny. Somebody didn't like it and downvoted this post ahahaha.

Why would Koreans laugh at me when China are the barbarians for all the bad things they do, I mean the Chinese Communist Party government (CCP), why would Koreans laugh at a journalist like me?

Yeah, I would laugh too, it is a funny meme but I didn't draw the picture. I'm just a messenger and as they say in a famous idiom, don't shoot the messenger.


Why would Koreans laugh at me when China are the barbarians for all the bad things they do, I mean the Chinese Communist Party government (CCP), why would Koreans laugh at a journalist like me?

Dear my friend @joeyarnoldvn , I speak American elementary school level English, so I don't want you to misunderstand me.
I'm not against your argument, I pointed out that Biden is your grandfather's generation.
In Korean etiquette, if the Junior criticizes the senior in such a way, it becomes rude.

If you accuse Biden of being a scammer, liar, or villain, it is allowed in Korea.
However, sexual insults in that way will be blamed.

I wanted to explain to you the cultural differences between Korea and the United States.

PS: You are currently publishing so many articles in a series, why?
I have a hard time understanding your articles.

 3 years ago  

The meme of Biden sleeping with China's favorite bear, Winnie the Pooh, it is not really sexual in the sense that it is an analogy that uses sex as a way to explain something.

In other words, that cartoon drawing, that photo, it is a metaphor to explain an idiom, that the Deep State Swamp are sleeping with China and other countries. This is an aspect of globalism.

Countries can ban art for any reason, right or wrong, they can say what they want. So, if a country says a meme is too sexual in nature, then they can use that excuse to censor the ideas that the meme is trying to personify.

Whether or not something is too sexual is a good question, a good debate. Anything and everything is sexual in some ways. So, it is not simply a question of if something is sexual, it is a question of how sexual it might be.

My rebuttal would be to find things in Korea that is sexual as evidence that they do sexual things and show sexual things. That is my argument to counter back.

If I were to insult Biden sexually, then the Koreans in Korea could blame me. I would then look at them and say, "And I blame you if any of you guys promote homosexuality, porn, sex outside of marriage, etc, things which sexually destroys families, it causes depression, many people end up committing suicide like they do in Japan for example."

But at the same time, the meme of Biden and the President of China is not really sexual, it looks sexual, but it is not about sex, it is an illustration, a metaphor, an idea, a meme, a concept, it is art, it is an analogy, it is meant to describe something else.

Biden is a puppet of China and that is what the art is describing, therefore it is not a sexual insult because it is not about sex. Biden is not having sex with Pooh. It is not literal. That is the beauty of a meme. It is not literal. It is called art.

If I were to insult Biden sexually, then the Koreans in Korea could blame me. I would then look at them and say, "And I blame you if any of you guys promote homosexuality, porn, sex outside of marriage, etc, things which sexually destroys families, it causes depression, many people end up committing suicide like they do in Japan for example."

Dear @joeyarnoldvn , You want me to think that I am an American elementary school student. It's hard for me to understand your American nuances.😄
The conclusion I want to tell you is this. In the United States, photos of Biden and Xi Jinping having sex will be allowed. However, in Korea, you will be accused, ridiculed, and sued.

Biden is a puppet of China and that is what the art is describing, therefore it is not a sexual insult because it is not about sex. Biden is not having sex with Pooh. It is not literal. That is the beauty of a meme. It is not literal. It is called art.

Koreans think Biden will press China more strongly than Trump.
Currently, Biden wants South Korea and Japan to form a military alliance to pressure China. Koreans have different ideas than you.

 3 years ago (edited) 

What I wrote has NOTHING to do with America or one country. A meme is something anybody can understand. They have memes in many countries.

What is a meme?

Do you know what a meme is? A meme is a symbol, an icon, an avatar, an illustration, a diagram, a concept, a theory described visually, it can be a story personified in a drawing, a metaphor, an idiom, a poster, a advertisement, etc. A meme can have hidden meaning inside. A meme can look like one thing but be about another thing.

In a video today, China officials were laughing at America saying that the U.S. government cannot talk to China from a position of strength.

It does NOT matter what Koreans think, they can think Santa Clause will come and play video games with them every day. But Santa did not come. Santa will NOT come. Koreans can THINK anything they want but can be wrong sometimes.

Koreans can believe in lies if they want to and live in a fantasy world.

Right now, America is dying like never before in history.

People can say nice things about Biden as China takes over America.

The picture of Biden having sex with Pooh is shocking.

But the end of the world is shocking too.

Do you know what a meme is? A meme is a symbol, an icon, an avatar, an illustration, a diagram, a concept, a theory described visually, it can be a story personified in a drawing, a metaphor, an idiom, a poster, a advertisement, etc. A meme can have hidden meaning inside. A meme can look like one thing but be about another thing.

Dear my friend @joeyarnoldvn , I love you! By the way, your American English makes me painful.
I don't know about meme. You seem to be asking too much information from elementary school student in America.
First of all, Understand that I am Korean, so I do not know about American English and culture.

You have to give foreigners like me the opportunity to speak and think. 😄

 3 years ago  

I am talking to you about things you know. When you say they are of elementary school students in America, you're lying, I'm talking about Korean culture, not American culture, you have all the time in the world to think.

But you also need to see how bad Biden is. Don't just think. Do the research. A meme is just a picture. So, you know what a picture is. So, therefore, you CANNOT say, "I don't know what a meme is." Why? Because you know what a picture is. What is a meme? Oh, a meme is a picture. So, you know that.

You know what I am saying. You know I am right. China is raping America. China is having sex with America. Not with Americans but with the economy. China is fucking up with the United States of America and the world.

Biden is a puppet, a stooge. China is the monster. China is a dragon.

I am talking to you about things you know. When you say they are of elementary school students in America, you're lying, I'm talking about Korean culture, not American culture, you have all the time in the world to think.

You are misunderstanding my words. It means that I am at the level of elementary school students in the United States. 😆

If you think about it, your articles are so confusing that elementary school students in America wouldn't understand. 😂