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RE: 2021-03-14

in THE 2020s3 years ago (edited)

Trump did not get money from those countries, that is fake news. The picture you pointed out is NOT sexually insulting Biden. It is NOT sexual, it is a illustration of political corruption and other things.

It is NOT homosexual.

It is a MEME. Do you understand English? I told you this already and you ignored what I wrote. I feel like you do not even know five year old English. I wrote using the smallest words I could think of. I write in very simple English. I use short sentences. I said already it is NOT sexual. You go on to say the picture was sexual.

It is NOT sexual.

Yes, the picture LOOKS sexual but is NOT sexual. Do you understand what a meme is? It is not about sex. I am a little mad. Do you know that a picture of Biden in bed having sex with a man is NOT about sex.

It is NOT about sex.

Can you not understand the word "NOT" means no, do you understand that or do you believe that the picture is sexual? But it is a meme. And the meme is not a photograph. It is not a direct message.

The differences between different countries is NOT what you think if you knew history.