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RE: 2021-05-10

in THE 2020s3 years ago

I do not fight for globalists, I'm non-violent, I have no gun, I do not physically fight, I am not in the military or in law enforcement, no violence apart from self-defense and saving people from being directly murdered and such.

Instead of trying to kill people directly, I try my best to educate people towards making the best choices they can make in America and other countries too. I do particularly prioritize the United States and that would be the case even if I was not American.

Because globalists can't really crush South Korea and other nations around the globe until the USA is too weak to stand in their way. Also, the freedom found in the land of the Bald Eagle and Uncle Sam is contagious, people around the world desire to adopt those freedoms in their own community, city, state, country, region, continent, island, location.

So, globalists are focused on destroying America and then they can better dominate and rule the planet more easily. All I can do is educate people the best I can each day.